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Dwyer on Roy's All-Star Days: "It's Over"

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Brandon Roy, on the bench for an indefinite absence that could stretch for the rest of the year or the rest of the week, will likely be back. He probably hasn't played his last game as a member of the team, and he shouldn't be fitted for a mic and sideline reporter duty any time soon.


But he won't be an All-Star, again. That's the just the cruel nature of working through this bone-on-bone condition in both knees. And though rumors of surgical procedures surround Roy in his absence from the team, barring an outright miracle, things aren't getting any better. Things aren't changing, and things aren't improving.


I apologize for laying the hammer so heavily, but the Brandon Roy you knew from the 2008-09 season isn't coming back. Worse, the diminished Brandon Roy you saw last season isn't coming back. Roy might play again, but he'll never be the same.


This is what happens when you're working with his condition. Other players, lacking in cartilage, can undergo the dreaded microfracture procedure. If not properly rehabbed from, it can rob some players of their quickness, but it also helps address exactly what the player is lacking, physically. Bone is broken inside the knee to encourage blood flow which helps the cartilage grow back. It's painful and it takes forever to come back from, but the cartilage does grow back.


Brandon Roy's meniscus won't grow back. No amount of bone-breaking or bleeding will help it grow back. He's stuck like this. Even Danny Manning got to play on cadaver ACLs for the last few years of career, but no such operation exists for Brandon. And both fans of the Blazers, and fans of what could have been a Hall of Fame talent in Roy need to realize that no amount of rest -- in game, in the offense, for a week, for a season, or for a summer -- will put him right. It's over.

Kelly Dwyer

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