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Prodigy's Answers

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1.) Now that you know the band 'The Prodigy' - got a favorite song of theirs? They're garbage if you ask me.

2.) Which one (if yes)?They're garbage

3.) Favorite video by The Prodigy? They're garbage

4.) Favorite member of The Prodigy? They're garbage

5.) Will you ever use The Prodigy's logo in your sig/avatar? They're garbage

6.) If so, how soon? They're garbage

7.) Cockiest NBA player? LeBrick James

8.) Most hated NBA player? LeBrick James

9.) NBA franchise you hate the most? Miami Heat

10). Most posts you've ever hit here over 24 hrs? Dont remember



1. Why dont you wanna play ball for the next two years? are you scared of the coach? Not scared at all. Hes the definition of a douche bag.

2. Why do you fold under pressure? It happens man. GOSH!! <_<

3. When will you step up as a leader? When you learn how to be a leader in the Reach. ;)

4. Are you gonna start working out this summer and get ripped? Maybe.

5. Why does food always win when we go to awful awful? Cuz they give a shit load of fries.

6. What is you favorite beverage? A nice cold Coke probably.

7. What is you favorite food and from where? Ribs from PF Changs.

8. Have you ever drank and alcoholic beverage before? Ive taken some sips lol.

9. What is your favorite movie of all time? Dont have one.

10. What is you favorite song right now? Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said

11. Red Robin or Awful Awful? Awful Awful

12. Me VS You, I have a rockets you have a br..who wins? Obviously me and you know it lol. You would probably kill yourself with it.

13. #1 thing on your bucket list? Attend a big sporting event like the NBA Finals or SuperBowl.

14. Where would you like to see Nash finish his career off? Anywhere where he can win a ring so probably Miami or LA.

15. Me VS You in a fist fight how many punches does it take to knock you out? Around 48.



Why the suns? Huge Nash fan, like the Mavs when he was there also.

Who on your roster would you give up for Blake Griffin? Anyone lol.

Kobe on the Suns? Maybe in my dreams.

Bring Grant hill back? He's my 2nd fave player so I hope he finishes his career in Phoenix.

Xbox360 or PS3? XBOX 360

Black Ops or Halo? Halo all day


1. Why did it take you so long to create a facebook? Wasn't too interested in that type of shit.

2. In a 8 game season do the Niners make the playoffs? If Kaepernick pans out then hell yeah.

3. You're a closet Laker fan, aren't you? Closet Kobe fan, yes.

4. Are you a stargazer? I guess I'll find out when I get older you meaty [expletive]uh. ;)

5. Do you think the Niners will trade Crabtree within the next two seasons (assuming there is a season this year)? Nah, he's going to breakout once we find an actual QB lol

6. Collin Kapaernick will be a starter by week ___ (assuming there is a 16 game regular season)? 5

7. Who do you miss more, Raja Bell or Shawn Marion? Steve Nash's best friend is my best friend so therefore Raja Bell.

8. Why aren't you working yet lazy ass? Cuz I'm lazy.

9. Who would you rather have on the Suns, Dwayne Wade or Lebron James? As much as I hate him, probably LeBrick James.

10. What do Chris Bosh and Al Harrington have in common (outside the fact that they're the last remaining dinosaurs)? They're both soft as hell.



How does it feel to be the lesser being of confidence and choseon one? Cant even describe the feeling, its something special that's for sure.


How come your bros never log on aim? I miss them. They have a life.


Why is your name prodigy? Cuz I'm a Prodigy.......


DO you wish to be a saint when you pass away? Stfu


IF you could have a billion dollars, but your penis would be shrunk to the size of a centimeter and you can never get surgery to make it bigger, would you? No, the most important thing to me is my penis.


Are you indian or pakistan? Indian


Are they the same? No you moron.


If you could be a super human, would you rather be one from the earthly beings underground, or ones from outer space? I like how I am right now.


Do you believe aliens control the world? No.


Erick Blasco

1) Which do you prefer more on a girl...nice arms or nice legs? Legs

2) Which do you prefer more on an alligator. Nice front legs or nice hind legs? Hind Legs

3) Rank these numbers and give reasons as to your rankings. 18, 34, -6, 5.2, 0. 18, 34, -6, 5.2, 0 because that's how you ranked them

4) Favorite NBA Player named Dirk? Ummmmmmmm........I forgot his name but it's the dude who always looks like he has a bra on.

5) What's your take on the job Rick Carlisle did this season? Obviously Rick did a great job winning the Championship but the way they did it was very impressive. They took out a very tough team in the Blazers, swept the defending champs, beat a talented Thunder team, and took out the Heat who were the favorites. His game plans were magnificent but Dirk did play out of his mind so I wouldn't give him too much credit.

6) What will the Mavs need to do to repeat next season? In order for them to repeat, they'll have to keep the same starters obviously. But with Caron coming back next season, they don't have to make any changes at all.

7) What should the Suns offseason strategy be? Get younger and get younger. If that means trading Nash then go for it. But we need some youth to give us some type of future because right now we are a mess.

8) Rank your favorite NBA play-by-play guys.

9) Favorite food that other people may find weird. Tbh, I don't eat anything "weird".

10) Are you a fan of Entenmanns chocolate chip cookies? Wtf are those?

11) Least favorite show on Adult Swim? Robot Chicken

12) Have you ever watched the USA network, and what do you think? Yes. They have some solid shows in White Collar and Law and Order but I don't watch it often.

13) Rank these movie tropes involving death: The minority dies first; the protagonist sees his friend/lover dead and screams "whhhyyy!;" instead of fleeing, the characters try to discover what's making that creepy situation happen and end up being killed by the killer/eaten by the monster; the character who isn't important goes on an away mission and ends up dying; the action movie needs extreme action so the protagonist kills everybody for no real purpose; a person is about to die and whispers to somebody else something really important ("Tell so and so I always loved her!") before he/she passes. They look like they're ranked in order already or maybe I'm just too lazy.

14) Would you rather watch an epic blockbuster movie called Lord of the Strings about a superhero who plays the violin or Jurassic Bark about a prehistoric carnivorous puppy? JURASSIC BARK

15) Favorite crustacean? Shrimp.

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