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Chicago's free agent options at SG


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Jamal Crawford

Delonte West

DeShawn Stevenson

JR Smith

Tracy McGrady

Shannon Brown

Jason Richardson


.Just a few unrestricted free agents, off the top of my head...which ones (including those I didn't name) would you think Chicago needs to go for? Who would be the missing piece? Do you want a veteran that knows the ropes, or a young and athletic player? Does Chicago look for that shooter that can spread the floor at that position, or a defensive-minded player that doesn't need many shots to be effective? Do they go for broke and try and get Crawford or Smith in a sign-and-trade?

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Of those Richardson is probably the best fit. Can spread the floor, decent defense, and doesn't need the ball in his hands.

I can agree with a lot of that, but decent defense? J-Rich is horrible on the defensive end. Quentin Richardson is the good defender. Jason is lucky to have Dwight Howard contesting all of his assignments at the rim.

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Jamal Crawford.


The Bulls need a 2 that can come in right away and be the starter. He needs to be able to create his own shot, he can't be another spot up shooter or a guy who just moves well off the ball. They don't even need a good defender (their schemes are good enough to hide Jamal's weaknesses), they need someone who can take his man one on one, and help Rose close out games.

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I can agree with a lot of that, but decent defense? J-Rich is horrible on the defensive end. Quentin Richardson is the good defender. Jason is lucky to have Dwight Howard contesting all of his assignments at the rim.


I disagree that he's horrible. No one will confuse him for being Ron Artest, but he's far from being Peja Stojakovic. J-Rich is decent defensively as in he's not a liability defensively. He won't shut down anyone, but you don't have scheme your defense specifically to make up for having him on the floor like the Lakers would do with Fisher.

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J-Rich would be a solid fit (and probably cheaper given the dropoff in his value), but it's not the best fit for Chicago.


He struggled a lot in Orlando, but it was more due to the fact that Stan Van Gundy didn't integrate him in the offense as well as he could have. He needs more transition opportunities (he'd definitely get those in Chicago). He always benefited from playing in an uptempo offense like Phoenix, the Magic just didn't run enough for him to get in place to score. The offense was just hard to watch most of the time, it always seemed like they gave the ball to him late in the shot clock, which didn't allow him to create for himself, or better yet, drive the ball to the basket like we were accustomed to seeing in Phoenix and Golden State.


But he did miss a ton of open shots. I remember how much Chicago fans got on Kirk for missing open jumpers, same would happen to Jason.

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He's the best fit given what Chicago can realistically get.


I feel someone will give Crawford and Smith more than MLE money. McGrady can't count to stay healthy. Brown is too ball dominant. That leaves West, Stevenson, and Richardson. West and Stevenson are both solid but bench players. Given the choice, I'd take Richardson.

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