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Playground basketball section?


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Yeah ok there is a lockout.. so what? Is it going to stop you to talk NBA or talk BASKETBALL? Not me..


so I had an idea that we had on my site.. and I think we could do it here as well




Topic ideas:


Favorite trash talking lines

Do you play basketball in the rain?

What's your career high?

What's your weaknesses




What do you guys think!?

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If the NBA season doesn't hit us in the face in the near future, I'll be expanding certain forums.


As of now, OTR will go along like we have for almost seven years. We always have droughts during the summer. Granted this is much more than just a drought, I'd take this over our site being hacked a second time.


The lack of activity here really doesn't bite at my ass as much as it used to. I know that, when we bounce back, I'll have the dedicated guys, and that's what OTR is built on.


I think everyone remembers when BBW and SportsTwo did the merger, and it was at the worst time for us, because we had a lot of problems here. A TON of my guys left for S2, and while things looked grim for us (because S2 was "that new shit" everyone wanted to try out), it didn't last.


RealBallers did the same thing to us. I think I lost 75% of my 12-member GFX crew to them (or some site, I can't remember because both are dead). RBS stayed up for a long time, but traffic eventually tore open the site, along with insufficient management (eventually, new management), and it just went downhill. It may have been BBall Central, and that place was booming more than RBS, if I recall correctly.


Finally, the hack...and out of everything, that was the worst. Members did stop posting here. The truth is, they were upset that they lost their posts...and so was I, but come on.


Sure, I could go and promote OTR every day, work my ass off to bring 50 new people here and see what happens, but there's always a need to control your crowd, activity, and ultimately, your community size. It's fun to go over to RealGM and post, you can talk forever, but a site like RGM makes it extremely difficult to maintain an identity, and that's something anyone can do over here, as long as they can roll with our big dogs when it comes to discussion.

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