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National Defense Authorization Act

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Back in the beginning stages of the War on Terrorism, President Bush enacted the Patriot Act. This allowed the government to spy on citizens, monitoring their activities in order to discern whether or not someone is a terrorist. It brought about changes in law enforcement that allowed agencies to search phones, financial records, etc.


One of the most controversial aspects of the law is authorization of indefinite detention of non-U.S. citizens. Immigrants suspected of being terrorists would be detained without trial until the War on Terrorism finished.


On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed a law known as the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2012 fiscal year, or the H.R. 1540. Congress passes this act every year to monitor the budget for the Department of Defense. However, this year the NDAA bill has passed with new provisions that should have the entire country up with pitchforks.


Normally, this is just an act which details the monetary calls of the Department of Defense which is passed every year. However, the act passed for the 2012 fiscal year changes the bill and can be seen as an extension of the Patriot Act. Now, the indefinite detention has been extended to U.S. citizens as well. If people are spied on and suspected of being terrorists, they may be detained indefinitely without trial.


In a country famous for the belief that one is innocent until proven guilty, this is an upsetting change that is being foisted upon the American people with many unaware of what it means.


The provisions of the Patriot Act allow the government to spy upon U.S. citizens and the NDAA allows the government to whisk a citizen away for no reason other than being suspected of terrorism.


So why has this law been passed when it is very easily seen as unconstitutional? The Fourth Amendment grants liberty from unreasonable seizures, while the Sixth guarantees every U.S. citizen a trial in front of a jury. No matter what supporters of the bill might have said about the provisions being misunderstood, the simple fact is that it is unconstitutional.


Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has made arguments for this provision, stating that the law would apply for US citizens' turncoats who have aided Al-Qaeda or other associated organization. He gave a long-winded story of how a U.S. citizen might fly to Pakistan to receive terrorist training, then return home and shoot down fellow citizens a few miles from the airport.


It's a disgusting show that Graham is pulling. He has made an example of how a single U.S. citizen might become a turncoat and because of that possible risk, the citizen's right to a trial and jury has been abolished.




i dont know if anyone heard about this, because i havent seen any discussion here about it. its really been kept quiet in the media, for whatever reason. but after signing this bill, it basically gives the government the right to accuse anybody of being a terrorist, and lock you up in prison without giving the suspect a chance at trial to defend themselves. it is easy to see how this power can be abused in the future. theres a lot of controversy about this law, just google it or look it up on youtube. just thought i'd put this here for discussion....

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Lol, this guy is out of his [expletive]ing mind. Its scary to think what could happen in the next 4 years if he gets elected again. Its comforting to know he wipes his ass with our freedom as US citizens.

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On New Year's Eve, President Obama signed into law a bill that eliminates one of the fundamental protections of the U.S. Constitution:

The right for people not to be detained indefinitely by the government without being formally convicted of crimes.

This erosion of the Constitution, which came in the form of new language in the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), allows the government to hold anyone suspected of being associated with terrorism indefinitely, without any form of due process.

No indictment.

No judge or jury.

No evidence.

No trial.

Just an indefinite jail sentence.

In other words:

If someone in the government suspects that you're somehow associated with terrorism, you can be jailed indefinitely in a military prison.




Edited by The Artesticle
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I'm totally shocked none of the usual political topic contributors haven't commented on this http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

Sorry, I was busy writing the government about an admitted terrorist assuming the identity of "Flash" on a website called "OTRBasketball". Prepare your anus. :bunny:

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It is incredible how Flash still doesn't knowhow the government works. Your fabulous republican majority congress passed this through. Obama stated he did not want to sign this, but he should have vetoed it if that was the case.

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Lol, this guy is out of his [expletive]ing mind. Its scary to think what could happen in the next 4 years if he gets elected again. Its comforting to know he wipes his ass with our freedom as US citizens.

Oh right. Except Bush and THAT republican congress did the same shit. How did you graduate high school when florida law requires one to pass us governmenf?

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It is incredible how Flash still doesn't knowhow the government works. Your fabulous republican majority congress passed this through. Obama stated he did not want to sign this, but he should have vetoed it if that was the case.

Haha...I can't believe people still have to post this.

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Oh right. Except Bush and THAT republican congress did the same shit. How did you graduate high school when florida law requires one to pass us governmenf?


Its passed for 50 years in a row now, they do it every year but never with provisions like that. He should've vetoed it if he didn't agree with it and I would've applauded him for it. Anyone who voted for this regardless of party affiliation is an idiot and doesn't belong in a position of power in our country. I'm also totally shocked that you resort to personal attacks that you'd never say to anyone on this site's face lol.

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Its passed for 50 years in a row now, they do it every year but never with provisions like that. He should've vetoed it if he didn't agree with it and I would've applauded him for it. Anyone who voted for this regardless of party affiliation is an idiot and doesn't belong in a position of power in our country. I'm also totally shocked that you resort to personal attacks that you'd never say to anyone on this site's face lol.

lol...I would tell you you're an idiot irl if I knew you...so I don't know what you're getting at.


I was obviously referring to the patriot act in my post, so the fact that it has been around for 50 years is mind boggling. I didn't realize I was that old already

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