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Homepage idea


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I noticed the homepage hadn't been done yet and thought this was a cool idea to have it like yahoosports. Could have the main photo an article from our writers while the news feed could be the breaking news but when you click on it, it brings you to the thread to talk about it.


I have more on it but have to go, just wanted to see what people thought.

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Yeah, I'd like to shoot for that again (we actually had something similar in the past, but without the image/caption for the main story).


I'm still wondering if our last home page I coded was a problem, security-wise, or what...so I decided to stay away from that with IPB 3.0, until I find out more about the new board software.


There are a LOT of guys smarter than me, so it's a process I want to take slowly this time around, because in the end, our hard work can't be ripped from us again. That's mainly why Aaron has been making nightly backups and doing a huge amount of work for us (you guys would be shocked), while I'm just working on the skins and such.


But yes, that would be my aim. ;)

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