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Mistakes You Would Like to See Frank Correct


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What mistakes did you notice last year that Lawrence Frank needs to correct this upcoming season?


Give Brook Lopez the ball more frequently


It's no coincidence that the team would suddenly quicken the pace with scoring when the ball was put in Lopez's hands. The Nets haven't had someone who can post up like Brook in years. Not only that, he showed that he has quite a jump shot as well. He will draw contact and he hits his free throws. We hardly saw him attempt unacceptable shots, either. Hopefully, Lopez won't have to return to the bench so quickly this season due to questionable foul calls, so we can expect to see him on the floor more often. That should mean a lot more touches, seeing what numbers the center put up last year.


More High Percentage Shots


We saw way, way too many low percentage shot attempts last year. Simmons loved shooting from the corner, Carter rarely got to the basket, and you'd want to stop watching the game if you saw Yi take another shot. This ties in with giving Lopez the ball more. He's not afraid of being in the paint. Neither is Harris. Terrence Williams is strong near the basket as well. If we can take advantage, why not?



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