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New World Order

Guest N4S

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Anyone been following this?


The US is pushing for it.


It's basically all countries coming together to help the global economy, also to create 1 base currently worldwide.


I don't read into this stuff alot but this it what was said it would come down to in the Illuminati.


I always said my boy was crazy for reading into a lot of that crap but makes you think now that it's being proposed.


Here is some info on it - http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE58G34Z20090921?sp=true

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Well, I'm not sure how many people on OTR know about the Illuminati. This isn't necessarily a good thing, though, because you can definitely come up with a lot of conspiracies. There have been writers that have claimed that Obama and Bush are both part of the Illuminati (a modern-day version), and if people start believing that, especially knowing that an NWO has even the slightest possibility of being created and executed, that's going to hurt our reputation as a country, and go back on us for the last 8-9 years.


But, yeah, I did a two-week long study about the Illuminati in college. Basically, this ties in with it rather well...and some only believe the Illuminati was just a group of guys that lasted a duration of time, but there's solid evidence stating that it could've lasted much longer, even around today.


About the formation of an NWO, it's actually a good thing the US is pushing for it. Why? Because if it's going to happen, we need to be the country sitting in the middle, reaping the benefits early. Otherwise, if we don't act, we could end up turning ourselves into a third-world country.


I'm not sure how this will boil over with European countries, though. These unstable economies, including ours, will find a way to feed off of them to regain that stability...which will help them in the long run, but it won't be a walk in the part for a couple of years.

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Hmm well does anyone here read the bible? If you do, you would know why New World Order is a very bad thing and were screwed if it does happen.


Global economy? Might as well put a stamp on my forehead and call it the mark of the beast.

Why would I believe we're screwed from reading a novel?

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If you wrote it thousands of years ago, and it held up to this day and becomes true or at least appears to be slowly coming true, then yes I will believe it.

lol at calling the bible true. you can survive inside a giant fish for a few days? sweet

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