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Fedor vs Rodgers (CBS - Sat)

Guest N4S

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Fedor is just amazing. He gets his nose busted up literally seconds into the fight and has blood pouring out of it for the entire first round, yet he still managed to almost get 2 or 3 subs on Rogers, rock him with a looping right and then eventually finish him with that highlight reel KO in the 2nd round. It is like he is fighting in slow motion. He always seems to be one step ahead of everybody that he fights. He had Rogers timing down pat and just beat him to the punch. Fedor is simply amazing.


I'm too lazy to type anything about the other fights right now. I'll probably try and post something tomorrow if I remember.

Edited by Built Ford Tough
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I recorded it on my DVR, and the only fight I really wanted to see was the Fedor fight, but for some reason it stopped recording during the fighter introductions. I don't really follow Strikeforce, but I did enjoy seeing Jason Miller, a stupid [expletive]ing clown, loose by decision.

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