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What do you consider a bust?


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This just hit me, maybe I'm looking too close into this and I'm not noticing the "obvious answer" here, but hear me out.


What do you consider a bust? Is it someone who doesn't reach their true potential based on what you saw of them in college, or is it someone who doesn't live up to the hype? Remember, these are two completely different things here. Take Greg Oden for example, he is what I would call a combination of both hype and talent we had seen of him in HS and NCAA, and now he's in his 3rd year I believe, and has not lived up to standards. Is it too early to call him (or anyone in their third year), a bust? How long does it take to generate a proper opinion of that player?

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Kwame Brown is a good man-to-man defender. He's not the offensive player that many thought he was going to be right out of high school, but...does that make Kwame a bust? I don't know. Washington took him thinking he was going to be a great defensive AND offensive player. Doug Collins (who was coaching Washington) thought of Brown as someone who could step out of the paint and create shots for others, and Michael Jordan liked him for his versatility.


I'm sorry, but any center coming out of high school at 19 will not be doing that immediately after being drafted, not even Dwight Howard. He should've went to Florida, like he had planned on doing...and I think that Jordan and the staff coached him the wrong way.


Jordan wanted Hakeem Olajuwon, or else he was going to turn Kwame into him. That's not how it should've been.


Michael Olowokandi is a bust. He no longer plays, and he was just a terrible player to have on the floor. He rarely shot over 44% from the floor, fouled constantly, turned the ball over numerous times despite having the ball in his hands all the time, bad defender who rarely rotated when necessary, and he couldn't stay healthy when given starter minutes...and this is a guy that came out of Pacific, putting up 22/11 on over 60% shooting his junior year. Big difference between the two players.

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On a serious note, I'd say a bust is a player who goes far below expectations in the league and shows little to no promise for potential, or simply hasn't risen yet. High draft picks, like Kwame Brown and Darko Milicic, are busts because they fit that definition, and have yet to prove otherwise. I wouldn't consider Greg Oden a bust, yet, because he still shows signs of potential and becoming the player he was expected to be.

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i consider a bust when the player is no longer heard of in the league they just disappear and no one knew. kwame brown is still in the league, we keep hearing his name every now and then. his a good defender so i dont think he is a bust


i look at the 2000 draft and look at names such as Marcus Fizer, Stromile Swift and Darius Miles and wouldnt have a clue if they are even in the league still and if they are what team


but then i look at darko and see all the talent around him in that draft and see him as being a bust only because he was picked 2 if he was late 1st, 2nd.. he probably would be looked at a decent backup C

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Oden isn't a bust at all. He may be in the league for his 3rd year but he's a sophomore as far as playing. You gotta remember that last year, Oden was considered a rookie and therefor that makes him a sophomore this year. It's his second year playing in the NBA and he's only getting better with every game. Trust me when I say this as I watch nearly every Portland game, Oden isn't a bust at all. He'll get to where he needs to be later in the season and early next season. I fully believe in this guy to be exactly what Portland needed. I still take Oden over Durant back during the draft. Even if Durant made the All-Star team last year, Oden is what we needed and still do need.

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Sometimes a bust is not dictated by how they play, but who was picked after them and because that player is better than a player ahead of them. Sometimes a bust can be outside their control. Sometimes is the key though.

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The easiest way to spot an NBA bust is to look at which organization drafted him. Competent coaching and front office management goes a long way. Michael Olowakandi probably could have been a good player if he didn’t start out with the clippers.


I think the problem is people think the NBA should consist of 12 allstars on every team when that’s just not the way it works. Guys just don’t get drafted because GM’s think their going to be stars they also make picks based on needs. The truth is most teams are built with 9 or 10 role players and 2 or 3 certified allstars if that. Everyone can’t be a Lebron or Kobe in fact most people are not going to be, that’s what makes those players special. Just like we all can’t be doctors or lawyers and most people are either cleaning floors, working in the kitchen, or picking up trash. They are just important. Everybody needs someone to do the dirty work the NBA is no different.

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