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Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents


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The federal government spent $3.5 trillion during President Obama's first year in office. This far exceeds the spending for any other first-year president.


President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year presidents -- spending nearly double what his predecessor did when he came into office and far exceeding the first-year tabs for any other U.S. president in history.


In fiscal 2009 the federal government spent $3.52 trillion -- $2.8 trillion in 2000 dollars, which sets a benchmark for comparison. That fiscal year covered the last three-and-a-half months of George W. Bush's term and the first eight-and-a-half months of Obama's.


That price tag came with a $1.4 trillion deficit, nearly $1 trillion more than last year. The overall budget was about a half-trillion more than Bush's for 2008, his final full fiscal year in office.


Click here to read FOXBusiness.com's Elizabeth MacDonald describe what the interest on the debt can buy.


That's a big increase. But compared with other presidents' first years in office, Obama is running circles around them.


Bush spent $1.8 trillion in 2001, according to government budget figures that have been adjusted for inflation based on 2000 dollars. Using the same formula, former President Bill Clinton spent $1.6 trillion in 1993.


The last president to clock in under $1 trillion was Gerald Ford, who logged a $982 billion budget in 1975. Post-war Dwight Eisenhower even brought Uncle Sam's tab down to $556 billion in his first year, 1953.


Obama's first-year budget, adjusted for inflation, is about five times that. His 2009 budget is also close to 21 percent of that for Clinton's eight years in office -- Clinton's spending added up to $13.5 trillion over his two full terms. Bush spent $16.8 trillion from 2001-2008.



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I'm looking forward to a lifetime of ridiculous taxes once I graduate and enter the work force. And that's if I can even find work to begin with. Well, at least I can look forward to continuing my education at one of the great UC schools out here. But that's only if this administration doesn't continue to raise tuition costs, à la UCLA.


Well, at least I'll have a government run healthcare plan, since that's all I can afford. I'll have to be careful though, because the plan won't kick in for another 4-5 years. :rolleyes:

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Not surprising. He said that in his campaign he was going to spend a lot because that his politically ideaology when it comes to getting the economy back up and running. FDR was similar in his theory as well.


Obama said he'd go line by line through the budget and cut wasteful programs, which I haven't seen much progress on but I'll give him his 4 years before I say he's completely failed on that promise.

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Why not just let the market take its course?


The economy is recovering, and the worst is now behind us. Now the question is whenever obamas bank bailouts and stimulus packages had an effect on this will forever be unknown, just how economist still argue about what got us out of the first great depression. Throughout our history, we have nearly always been in debt and ran up deficits, so i fail to understand why so many folks are up in hands with obamas spending. To make money you have to spend money.

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I still love the excuses people are making for him. Unemployment is still through the roof, and reported only to get worse. I don't see how you call that recovering. People have already started to invest in precious metal, because the dollar is failing. Some people just haven't woken up yet.

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I still love the excuses people are making for him. Unemployment is still through the roof, and reported only to get worse. I don't see how you call that recovering. People have already started to invest in precious metal, because the dollar is failing. Some people just haven't woken up yet.

Sales of homes are up. And the stock market has had a huge surge since he took office.


It's still not completely back, not even close, but it's obvious there have been economic improvements since he's taken office.

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anyone who expected anyone to be able to fix anything in a year is psycho...


i don't follow politics much because they're all basically corrupt liars and its impossible to find out whats really going on anyway, nor do i claim to know what i'm talking about when it comes to it, but i would have to imagine you wouldn't see the effects of things hes doing for awhile down the road


and to be fair, as far as spending more than any other president, no other president has really come into the country with it this Fed up...at least not since the last depression, and you can't really compare the country then and now money/problem wise

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Stop trying to make it sound like things are improving when they are actually getting worse, such as the unemployment rate increasing.




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But...but...but...wasn't he supposed to BRING THEM BACK? Was that not one of the major points of his campaign?


No1 knows.


I'm still waiting to hear about our plans for Pakistan, considering that's where tha AQ is, and they're supposedly why we are still in all of this.

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Facing rising unemployment rates and having seen uncertain results from the stimulus bill, President Obama is hosting a "jobs summit" at the White House Thursday that will be packed with business leaders and economists supportive of White House policies but lacks a diversity of opinion, several analysts say.




Missing from a partial list of attendees released by the White House are the self-proclaimed voices of business - the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business - both of which have been critical of Mr. Obama's proposed health care overhaul.




Confirmed attendees include liberal economists credited with shaping the $787 billion stimulus package, union leaders, environmental advocates and executives from Google and other blue-chip firms.




"He's going to get lots of recommendations to spend more money," said Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. "These are the very same people who gave us the stimulus package. My feeling is we're not going to get what we need, and that's a complete change in direction on economic policy."




A spokeswoman for the White House would not comment for the record on the format or how the list of participants was drawn up. A full list of attendees is expected to be released Thursday.




More federal spending to generate jobs is a likely subject at Thursday's summit given that guests will include economists such as Paul Krugman, who has argued that the first stimulus package was not large enough. Likewise, chiefs of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute, both of whom are slated to be in attendance, have called for more federal dollars to aid states experiencing budget shortfalls.




"My chief concern is that the list features no serious and prominent labor economist, which seems essential to offering a sound, long-run policy to put us on a path of lower unemployment," said John Coleman, an economics professor at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.




Representatives from NFIB and the Chamber of Commerce said their organizations were not asked to attend, but representatives from some of the country's largest unions, Change to Win and the United Steelworkers, will participate.




In an open letter to Mr. Obama on Tuesday, Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue outlined a series of proposals to stimulate job growth, including eliminating protectionist trade barriers, reducing the deficit and eliminating unnecessary regulation.




The nation's unemployment rate has climbed steadily throughout Mr. Obama's presidency - from 7.6 percent in January to 10.2 percent in October - leading critics to question the effectiveness of unprecedented levels of government spending in his first 10 months in office.







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But...but...but...wasn't he supposed to BRING THEM BACK? Was that not one of the major points of his campaign?



Say one thing, do another. This is how politics work.


False. Obama never campaigned on bringing back all the troops, especially from Afghanastan. He said we need to focus MORE on Afrghanastan and less on Iraq (withdrawl strategy for Iraq.).

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False. Obama never campaigned on bringing back all the troops, especially from Afghanastan. He said we need to focus MORE on Afrghanastan and less on Iraq (withdrawl strategy for Iraq.).




You really have no clue about what you're talking about, you're obviously just a HUGE Obama homer.

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You really have no clue about what you're talking about, you're obviously just a HUGE Obama homer.


Thank you for posting that.


I'm sure I can find a lot more videos of his bull-[expletive] promises.



We can't have a community organizer as our president when he has no military experience.



Let's go have some tea with the terrorists, and maybe bow to them as well.

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Just had to burst out laughing at this. :lol:


But wow something-something trillion is nuts, considering it's just 1 year. Guess we gotta keep being patient though. Anyone fixing a major problem or (a few...?) within a year will be considered god, but unfortunately that's not going to happen. I, myself, am not much a fan of Obama, but he is our president, sooo as a citizen, might as well sit and be patient as time goes by, as much as I hate it. :(

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