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Camby23Land last won the day on August 18 2009

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About Camby23Land

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    Chauncey Billups

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  1. Yeah, so that topic wasn't made by me, it was a [expletive], forum drama is gay, OTR is kind of gay, but so is RSZ. Just thought I'd make that clear since someone told me I made a topic on here. Just an all around [expletive] [expletive] situation. Bye. BBW LIVES FOREVER!!!!
  2. Wow you are [expletive]ing stupid for saying that. He isn't a juggale, he's just said he's "down with the clown" a couple times which is obviously for more money since there is a huge amount of juggalos that like him.
  3. I read the graphic novel before, but still loved it. Thought they did the best they could with it. 8.6/10 for me.
  4. Great to see other fans of him here. Huge fan here. Lucky [expletive] [expletive]er haha. That tattoo is pretty sick, Anghellic is an absolute classic. Yeah I'm really hyped for KOD, hopefully it makes up for his average Sickology 101. Yeah I saw that, was really pumped, Brotha Lynch Hung is the absolute man.
  5. I don't see how so many people saw this trailer and didn't realize it was going to be more of a drama than a comedy.
  6. JR Smith is such a thug, between his unprofessional gang signs, trash talking, cheap play, and trouble off the court I don't see how anybody could be surprised.
  7. I don't see why you like reading the scripts, totally ruins the movie for me. Movie looks very different, but it's the Coen Brothers so...
  8. The Shining freaked me the [expletive] out because I was watching it alone in my basement.
  9. I've heard the most heinous mixed reviews on this album ever.
  10. I saw the trailer for this a while back and thought it had the potential to be absolutely classic. Definitely going to see it unless it gets raped by the critics (I'm talking under 20% on RT status).
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