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Everything posted by Camby23Land

  1. Yeah, so that topic wasn't made by me, it was a [expletive], forum drama is gay, OTR is kind of gay, but so is RSZ. Just thought I'd make that clear since someone told me I made a topic on here. Just an all around [expletive] [expletive] situation. Bye. BBW LIVES FOREVER!!!!
  2. Wow you are [expletive]ing stupid for saying that. He isn't a juggale, he's just said he's "down with the clown" a couple times which is obviously for more money since there is a huge amount of juggalos that like him.
  3. I read the graphic novel before, but still loved it. Thought they did the best they could with it. 8.6/10 for me.
  4. Great to see other fans of him here. Huge fan here. Lucky [expletive] [expletive]er haha. That tattoo is pretty sick, Anghellic is an absolute classic. Yeah I'm really hyped for KOD, hopefully it makes up for his average Sickology 101. Yeah I saw that, was really pumped, Brotha Lynch Hung is the absolute man.
  5. I don't see how so many people saw this trailer and didn't realize it was going to be more of a drama than a comedy.
  6. JR Smith is such a thug, between his unprofessional gang signs, trash talking, cheap play, and trouble off the court I don't see how anybody could be surprised.
  7. I don't see why you like reading the scripts, totally ruins the movie for me. Movie looks very different, but it's the Coen Brothers so...
  8. The Shining freaked me the [expletive] out because I was watching it alone in my basement.
  9. I've heard the most heinous mixed reviews on this album ever.
  10. I saw the trailer for this a while back and thought it had the potential to be absolutely classic. Definitely going to see it unless it gets raped by the critics (I'm talking under 20% on RT status).
  11. It's classified as a comedy/drama, not a comedy, so that's why it's so long.
  12. I'm just saying, unless he is 25+ years old, I don't see someone making the trip unless they are quite wealthy.
  13. Please God, please keep Kleiza and get rid of Carter.
  14. LeBron James Dwyane Wade Kobe Bryant Joe Johnson Stephen Jackson
  15. Neeson*. Anyways, I haven't seen Taken so I have no comment on this situation, but I do agree that I don't see someone flying to Utah just to go to the Sundance Film Festival, but that's just me.
  16. /b/ (section of 4chan) is the best. For new[expletive]s, it's basically an image board of random things, usually foul things, that contains insane profanity, racism, gore, etc. Anybody can make a topic on there as long as it has an image and there are some hackers who visit there among other people. The place has no boundaries.
  17. Yeah already JIMPed to this multiple times. Already have this [expletive] pre-ordered. My grades in November are gonna take the hugest dip ever.
  18. Always funny reading on hip hop boards blowing Gucci.
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