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Everything posted by OSUBucksfan09

  1. Depends the sport. I have met Chris Beanie Wells who was my favorite Buckeye for a while and prob my favorite NFL running back so yes? lol Have you ever lied about something to make yourself seem somewhat cooler.
  2. Anyone want to do a Madden 2010 Online Franchise on Xbox 360? If so we could have a thread on here with weekly updates and stuff.
  3. Lol Yugo at thinking Duke doesn't have as many bandwagon fans as UNC. Hows looking through the duke shaded glasses?
  4. Real you mean the you make dumb mistakes u actually have to deal with your choices? And don't get mad at my comment, just a response as I didn't like yours =)
  5. Huh at Kid Cudi being the best right now. Drake is better, Wayne is tho in jail, Eminem is better, the list goes on and on lol.
  6. One of my friends has a foosball pong table, its sick.
  7. Think the new one wont come out for a bit since the new ones came out last summer. But depends on your preferences really. I love my macbook pro but id research about new ones if you are worried about that.
  8. Yea EA confirmed the game is canceled for next year and 2k got rid of it last year. Of course if a new company develops it there will be but no EA game next year for sure.
  9. Ill play in one, and Prodigy get a diff GT for the league? lol
  10. I have it, dont really suggest buying it though unless you really want college basketball(no game next year). Its ok but ball handling down low is rediculously bad, and its fun but not as good basketball as 2k10 so. Only great thing though is the presentation is amazing on the game.
  11. I get what u mean but as much time I play the game it is worth it to me.
  12. And a Tie Game, good run Peterson and better drive for favre.
  13. Pineapples are my favorite but I like strawberries, grapes, pears, peaches, nectarines, cantaloupe, cherries . . . ect lol.
  14. +1 This is why I hate the packers now. TD saints, good return and nice effort on the run.
  15. AP got too ahead of himself, wow, lol. Entertaining game.
  16. Because I feel that if anybody deserved to go back and forth for a franchise it was Brett Favre for the Packers, I felt McCarthy got too ahead of himself and got cocy thinking he would be completely fine without Favre. And wow, Bush dumb dumb play.
  17. Hes still a good cover cb, he just hasn't improved. He relies a lot on just his athleticism to get him by.
  18. Im the opposite, Im anti-Packers because of how they handled Favre.
  19. What a throw and catch, holy crap that was awesome.
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