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Everything posted by TheHutch

  1. http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/social_assets/nfl/2012_Postseason/NFC_Championship/HarbaughReacts.gif
  2. Lol exactly. The "girl" you call the "love of your life" is dying, and you have never met her in person, yet she would rather not see you. That doesn't throw up any red flags? No time to go to the funeral to see the "love of your life"? Lol come on, man.
  3. So, wait...your girlfriend gets in a car crash and has leukemia, and you never go visit her?
  4. Great. Now my ears are bleeding before I go to bed.
  5. Waiters has awful games like he did against the Lakers, then he has great games like he did tonight. 29 minutes, 33 points, 12-18 shooting, 3-3 from 3, 5 assists, 0 turnovers. Dude just needs to be consistent.
  6. Exactly. Look at what happened in the Falcons-Seahawks game.
  7. LOL Brandon Spikes. http://gif.mocksession.com/2013/01/brandon-spikes-dance/
  8. "TOUCHDOWN SEAHAWKS!" - Replacement Refs
  9. These playoffs man...about to give me a damn heart attack and I'm not even a fan of any of the teams.
  10. Anyone catch the finale? Right when I start to think again "where the hell could they take this", they keep surprising me. Good finale and good direction to head into season 3 with.
  11. Yeah it was a pretty good finale. My prediction for next season (the final season):
  12. Damn, thought Varejao was going to sink that last FT, lol. Kyrie put on a show, though.
  13. I caved in and read a complete review of the finale . It was right in front of my face and I tried to resist, but couldn't control myself.
  14. Now hearing the shooter was Adam Lanza, and that they have his brother (Ryan Lanza) in custody. Conflicting reports right now. Also rumors are he killed his girlfriend and close friend as well.
  15. The person they have in custody is the younger brother of the shooter.
  16. Well the person with that Twitter account just posted a new tweet, so that account is not his. Had 105 followers when I first saw it, now he is closing in on 2,000.
  17. This is supposedly his Twitter: Some creepy tweets on there.
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