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Everything posted by TheHutch

  1. I'd be down to play someone. I've only played around 30 or so ranked matches though. All I ever play anymore is team up. I remember a few of you joined up on that 3v3 league team up site. It's still running (with a new season starting up very soon) if anyone is interested in joining.
  2. Kirby had an awesome one going until he disappeared out of nowhere. And I don't think we could ever get a full 30. We'd be lucky to get 16-20 active teams.
  3. He looks like the crypt keeper.
  4. Could very easily be 3-1 Lakers right now, but tonight was the dagger. Thunder will end it on Monday.
  5. Yeah that person with the shaved head was definitely a dude.
  6. Yeah I saw some of that show. That red-haired chick from Iceland looked like the Anti-Christ.
  7. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/154/912/berneydidnotread.gif?1318992465
  8. Dibs on Smitty. OTR's first interracial couple.
  9. Why is LeBron's headband so thick?
  10. No order: Dexter Walking Dead Breaking Bad Homeland Boardwalk Empire Spartacus Game of Thrones
  11. Oh man you are welcome. Was just making your post for you in case the Heat would have lost, so you really should be thanking me.
  12. No matter the outcome, I blame Spo.
  13. Bradley Beal has officially declared for the Draft.
  14. Yeah those were hilarious. One of my favorites was "Air Bud".
  15. CJ McCollum and Tony Mitchell are both staying in school. EDIT: Trey Burke also staying in school. EDIT #2: Perry Jones entering the NBA Draft.
  16. Deshaun Thomas is staying at Ohio State.
  17. Machine Gun Kelly - See My Tears http://trackcity.net/?p=1536
  18. Gave you a follow on Twitter. Congrats and good luck man.
  19. 50 cents each for 2 Babe Ruth signed baseballs? Those are obviously very real.
  20. Was I this bad when he was in Cleveland? If so, I am incredibly sorry and very embarrassed.
  21. Can't wait for this. Road to the Show is so beast. BTW, Smitty you're a North Carolina fan?
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