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The Artesticle

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Everything posted by The Artesticle

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/nba/columns/story?columnist=sheridan_chris&id=6188520 Melo's a funny dude
  2. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhnnk2ZF161qc96xpo1_500.jpg
  3. Lebron's a choker. Glad he signed with Miami, he's been exposed. I don't see anybody calling him the best player in the game anymore, you can't be if your a little [expletive] like him. The entire Miami team is basically made of pussies (except maybe Wade). Can't wait for Boston/Orlando or whoever else shit on them in the playoffs.
  4. http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3690/boshface.gif http://i.imgur.com/7Hddx.png
  5. at people thinking Lebron's the best player in the league when he can't come up with a play in the clutch to save his life. Once again King Choke fails
  6. http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/video/chris-bosh-left-in-hot-car-for-hours-by-heat-teamm,19331/
  7. LeChoke does it again still think 8 championships are gonna be easy?
  8. http://www.warriorsworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/JRICH.jpg http://www.norcalblogs.com/bullfight/archives/lonelydallasman.jpg http://imgs.sfgate.com/c/pictures/2007/05/04/mn_warriors_kw_038.jpg http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/05/04/sports/04cnd-warriors2.600.jpg
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poUrxzHmxvw&feature=player_embedded lol
  10. sick video/concept Dr Dre is [expletive]ing huge. Can't wait for Detox
  11. i wanted Mitch to trade LO/Drew for JO. What a disaster that would've been...
  12. I doubt this happens. This much media attention. When was the last time a highly publicized rumor surrounding the Lakers came into fruition? Regardless what happens though, I'm happy Mitch has been active in trade discussions. I trust that these guys will do their best to improve this team.
  13. http://twitter.com/Dominic_Perilli holy [expletive] former Eagle Kyle Eckel reported this on his twitter too
  14. http://www.allwrestlingsuperstars.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Booker-T-wwe-superstar-9.jpg A King Returns
  15. i will always remember this game for ending Laron Profit's NBA career and Smush Parker saying that he was more impressed with the team's defense than Kobe's 81 points after the game
  16. yea not surprising they haven't won [expletive] since spygate all they do is cheat
  17. kobe clearly doesn't get the same treatment as wade or lebron, or the other superstars, and it's not a surprise to see why. i wouldn't give him calls if i were the refs either. he whines and [expletive]es way too much, just like the rest of our team (pau, LO, drew). maybe if he treated them with a little more respect they'd give him more benefit of the doubt. but if i had a guy cussing me out every play i wouldn't give him calls either.
  18. we should hire wade phillips wasn't he a good D-coordinator lol...
  19. oh [expletive] i remember reading a couple of days back Andy saying McDermott was going to return next year Jauron is expected to take over. I don't know anything about him but hopefully he's an upgrade, our defense last year was atrocious.
  20. http://a323.yahoofs.com/ymg/ept_sports_nba_experts__68/ept_sports_nba_experts-530769751-1294814217.jpg?ymJAuYEDH5BQBiMX http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/LeBron-James-finds-happiness-in-the-Cavs-misfor?urn=nba-306395#remaining-content all hail king james
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