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Everything posted by EastCoastNiner

  1. I'll wait for one of the other two people I was addressing to answer my question, but I don't think they will because they know they're walking into a bunch of hypocrisy.
  2. I agree with Stephan A. Smith that Armstrong should suffer a lot for what he has done to other people's lives. He's a fraud and a piece of crap. He should suffer a lot.
  3. Not a chance. They're reverting back to the Knicks everyone knows, which is a losing team.
  4. No one has answered this question yet. No, they actually don't work the same, so you're lying about that. Do you even know what a semiautomatic weapon is? You've obviously been manipulated by the media into thinking it's a full automatic weapon with .50 cal bullets.
  5. Right, all you do is stick a needle in your body and you're suddenly amazing. Yep, it's that simple! .
  6. Simple question for the anti-gun people. Do you think police should be able to have full automatic weapons like they do in some states? Yes or no?
  7. Herp friggin derp. Herein lies the problem with the anti-gun freaks. You don't even have your FACTS correct. NO ONE can LEGALLY purchase a fully AUTOMATIC weapon in the U.S. Yet, we have the media and people like you spewing boldface lies like that. You CAN'T purchase a fully automatic weapon in the U.S.
  8. Cool, tell me why you aren't for banning pistols which cause a LOTTTTTTTTT more murders than "assault rifles" do. Surely you must care about the safety of American people, right? What's your agenda? You don't want to ban the weapons that cause the most murders? Interesting. Right. Just before this, you said that it's pointless for American's to arm themselves from the government. Just because there is a chance citizens will be overpowered, that means they shouldn't take the chance to arm themselves incase that situation arises? Interesting.
  9. Where are the Armstrong nut huggers at? http://www.discusshoops.com/forums/topic/30969-usada-lance-to-get-life-ban-lose-7-titles/page__hl__lance Inb4 they claim they aren't wrong because they "technically were right" about what they were saying or some other garbage. .
  10. Sherman exposed as not being able to hang with the big boys today.
  11. This is the part that the vast majority of people don't seem to understand. There's two "live strong" organizations, and the one that people donate to is virtually a scam by Armstrong. Very little of the money given to his organization actually goes to cancer research. He's a fraud and a loser.
  12. How's that gun buyback program working out? Oh, not very well you say? http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/01/12/gun-buybacks-popular-but-ineffective/1829165/ Idiot logic, lulzzzzzz. Herp derp. People like you like to focus SOLELY on gun murders and love to ignore the fact that places like the UK have a MUCH higher violent crime rate than the U.S. Why is that? Could it be that those in the UK know no one is going to have a gun and will take advantage and commit crimes knowing they won't be shot? Yes, that's exactly what it is. Why don't you want to ban handguns? Do you want to check up the statistics of handgun murders in Chicago alone compared to assault rifle murders if since you really care about the safety of people? I'lll wait for you to get back to me on that.
  13. Oh, but Manning is the OC too right? He calls every play, right? Not you in particular, but I love the hypocrisy with Manning jockers. They always say he makes all of the calls on his own, yet when something goes wrong, it's not on him.
  14. Why do you even have to have a sig with him involved? He's not the one that the sig bet was with. He's an easy target for a lot of people here. Does he make some pointless threads sometimes? Yes, certainly, but he tries to keep this forum active. He gets enough shit here from people as it is (some deserved), but there's no reason to go out of your way to put him in a sig that has absolutely nothing to do with him.
  15. Hmmm....show me where exactly it mentions muskets? Or, are you trying to claim the Founding Fathers had no foresight that there would be improvements in technology? U.S. citizens should have the right to bear arms against a tyrannical government if that ever came to be. There's no doubt times and technology have changed. There's no denying that. However, taking these weapons away from citizens that have the right to bear arms is not right.
  16. England...............not even once. http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/464328_10151289000017622_1009345479_o.jpg Dumb gun control freaks don't even know what a semiautomatic weapon is. They envision it as a fully automatic weapon with .50 cal bullets.
  17. Hopefully she doesn't come to your house when you're doing laundry with cuts on her wrists and a bed drenched in peroxide.
  18. Your lower paychecks that you'll be receiving. It's funny seeing all the libs (those that actually work) finally bitch about higher taxes now that they are being hit in their wallet.
  19. dabearfan102: (8:25:05 PM)[Offline IM sent on 01/09/13 at 12:52 AM] lol dabearfan102: (8:25:05 PM)[Offline IM sent on 01/09/13 at 12:52 AM] im playing killa dabearfan102: (8:25:05 PM)[Offline IM sent on 01/09/13 at 01:56 AM] i beat fish 31-23 dabearfan102 returned at 8:25 PM. dabearfan102: (8:27:13 PM) u get ma message dabearfan102: (8:27:16 PM) i beat fish 31-23 last night phaggot Please, never speak again. . Losing to DBF you bum.
  20. Dog shit or horse shit, it doesn't matter. They're still both shit.
  21. If you're talking about Brady, no, that's not the reason I dislike him. Yes, that was the start of it, but this dude is just a loser. Talk shit during the game, but shut the [expletive] up after. I wish Trent Williams fractured that PED using phaggots jaw in multiple places.
  22. I should have clarified that I'm more talking about het BBWAA and not the MLB as a whole. I'm of the belief that if a player was HOF worthy before using illegal substances, they should still be inducted.
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