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Everything posted by NJNJ

  1. Hope itll be a good game + a win. too bad ill be missing it tomorrow
  2. I use skype almost everyday but just for calls, no video calls.
  3. Oh never saw you there before. There was a pretty small number of Heat fans so... lol. Yah I mean I understand avoiding needless posts but to me I feel as long as people stick to the intended topic, then it's okay. I used to get spammed (still do) by the admins or whatever there to post more. I'd tell them I have things to take care of such as school and family, and they would keep asking me when I'll have time. It's like.. ??? lol. Oh well..
  4. What was your username there? No kidding.. lame rules esp regarding quality posts, even if your posts exceeded 1-2 lines lol. I registered here at OTR ages ago but stopped coming for w.e reason.
  5. Yes and yes tho i left NBAD ages ago..
  6. Happy Thanksgiving everybody Hope everyone enjoys their time with their loved ones
  7. Had my eyes on the new iPod nano - but $140 is a little too much for something so darn tiny.
  8. Works for me. I replaced it with an imageshack link instead right now.. hope that works.
  9. tuning into the replay rite now cuz thats how i roll lol. couldnt stream it live earlier cuz i had class
  10. It was an interesting process to get to the final products. Honestly, it was also my first time actually putting PhotoShop to use (I always rolled ol school with Paint Shop Pro v9). I finally had the time and patience to look through tutorials and whatnot. The Kobe Bryant design was from yesterday. And the Lady Gaga wallpaper was from a few hours ago. Kobe took about 3 hours. Lady Gaga about 2 hrs. The Kobe one is meant to look a bit distorted and whatnot. Feedback appreciated. KOBE: http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3364/portraitn.jpg LADY GAGA: http://jenfd.deviantart.com/art/Lady-Gaga-Watercolor-Style-181569246 [didnt feel like making separate threads for separate works sooooo yaaaa...]
  11. havent been here in over a month...
  12. Full interview: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/paul_forrester/08/20/stephen.curry.qa/index.html#ixzz0xLs8Oa7u
  13. I've talked to people who absolutely hated this movie =\ I watched it a couple nites ago - loved it. One of the best films I've seen.
  14. Me being a big Tupac fan, I miss Tupac the most. As far as who has inspired people the most, that's got to go to Bob Marley though. He's made a great impact on everyone in general, no matter what kind of life you're coming from. The things he talked about in his music spoke to every individual.
  15. http://realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/68775/20100820/pierce_wants_to_finish_career_in_europe/#ixzz0x9yChW7R
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhSU086M5IY&feature=search
  17. http://realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/68759/20100819/murphy_sees_nets_in_playoffs_understands_future_is_uncertain/#ixzz0x5hj1G4X
  18. You're free to use it. Go ahead.
  19. Text too small to me. I prefer the old uniforms.
  20. I have usually preferred to go back, because times are definitely rough in some spots. But I'd rather know who my true friends are, so I definitely wouldn't go back in time and deal with people who didn't really give a [expletive] in the first place. I happen to enjoy college and whatnot, rather than I did my high school yrs and before that (though elementary was fun).
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