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Everything posted by moeroadkill

  1. everytime we cut it down to 1 possession spurs have a answer
  2. why did i [expletive]ing google that...
  3. imo this one is better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsSC2vx7zFQ&feature=related
  4. iv broken my pinky playing nettball
  5. lol, thought it said kanye took me a minute before i realized it wasn't him
  6. how does he keep getting injured without doing anything its almost laughable
  7. westy and durant are rolling right now 20 to nothing run
  8. to many 2nd and 3rd opportunities for these guys
  9. deep vs are pretty gay, i wear a lot vs though
  10. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/823/542/d45/resized/cray-shit-meme-generator-dat-shit-cray-7276b2.jpg?1325895090.jpg but seriously, i like chicks with tats, i hate ones how they are just one random picture, needs to be a sleeve or something. i still think shes hot
  11. farrkk two good looks and Durant cant connect
  12. thats what you get when you lay your hands on a female... what did you expect?
  13. nice win, coming out of the road trip 3-2 iirc is pretty good, considering a few were back to backs
  14. need to tighten up on the turnovers or else it will be a repeat of yesterdays game, starting to become a major issue
  15. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/41c/ca2/606/resized/butthurt-dweller-meme-generator-im-not-a-wizard-im-a-level-53-mage-f002a2.jpg
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