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Everything posted by Blazed49

  1. Garnett was so lost on d right now. He played awful in this last 2 minutes or so.
  2. Lmao. Rudy was killin ya'll. Lol. Steve novak is a beast from 3 point.
  3. Like when rudy fernandez murdered you and simba for like 42 points? Lmao.
  4. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/29117-nets-would-trade-first-overall-pick-for-howard/page__pid__332825#entry332825
  5. Would LOVE to pair LA with Anthony Davis.
  6. I don't think you heard that right cause the lakers swept in 2001 and won a ring.
  7. I think he'd look even better in a Portland uni.
  8. Good to see the aldridge love on here.
  9. I wonder if he'd be interested in Portland. Definitely wouldn't mind having him.
  10. What a [expletive]ing game!!!! Recorded and just watched it right now. Holy shit!!! First half was a little slow but there was still some good action. Great ending. Glad for drogba and the rest of the chelsea team.
  11. Dude if you go I'm definitely down to go with you. That's a solid ass lineup. You know how much tix are yet?
  12. THANK YOU!!!!! Bruno was TERRIBLE. I literally felt uncomfortable watching it.
  13. Went to an RHCP and Weezer concert I think in 05-06 and definitely one of the best concerts if not THE best show I've ever seen. Ice Cube backstage passes was nice too eventhough I'm not a huge Cube fan.
  14. Yeah I saw it. Not a bad fight at all. Cotto definitely gave him a run there in the middle rounds.
  15. I was thinkin the same exact thing. Especially to be replaced by love.
  16. I remember JR Rider had a similar shot when he was with the wolves. Awesome shot.
  17. Gotta go city as well. Don't really get to catch too many games but whenever they're actually on I'm watching. So I don't know too much about what's going but have been a fan of tevez for like 2 years or so(mainly due to using him in fifa) and just now saw aguero who is also a beast.
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