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Everything posted by Blazed49

  1. My moms dog is exactly the same way. She still recognizes people, still knows who I am, and knows where her food and what not. It's pretty cool.
  2. I can't believe dudley punking blake griffin. Lol. That was hilarious.
  3. Chosen you're absolutely right but even if it wasn't for the surgery I was just hoping they'd shut him down anyway. He needs to be completely healthy for us to go anywhere.
  4. Dam good shit. I'm jealous. I'm still tryin to make it to the rose garden for a blazer game.
  5. With the history of injuries that we've had, I say we just shut him down for the year. We're not going to the playoffs so let him fully heal, get a better chance at a higher draft pick, and prepare for next season.
  6. I don't know that we really have a dirty player. At least not a clear cut obvious one. Pryz maybe?
  7. I tried but it didn't give a reason. Just said "you are on warn status"
  8. Anyone know why my profile says warn status?
  9. Who you tellin man? Lol. Such a disappointing season.
  10. Well since we're apparently tanking now they'll probably at least get the minutes to try and get on track. Do I think they will though? Probably not.
  11. This is actually what I'm afraid of.
  12. I know he probably won't come to portland but I hope we at least try.
  13. Do you really think that his offense fits this team though? We don't have that iso guy like when we had Roy. I personally think it wasn't a bad decision. Tough pill to swallow though. I loved what he did when we had tons of injuries but he just couldn't get us over the hump. I mean look at mike woodson last year. The guy had at least made it past the first round and he still got canned. Nate was the tmac of coaches.
  14. Yeah but for me personally I don't think his offense worked with the team we had. I have no problem with crawford cause he was forced into a role he's not used to. Felton just sucks. I think it was time for a change. I'm kind of torn but I think it was the right decision.
  15. I saw this coming. Thanks nate for everything and on to the next.
  16. I would've been ok with just getting rid of felton. Definitely love the pick. Only top 3 protected? I'll take that in this draft.
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