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Posts posted by trutrojan8

  1. No, humans wouldn't have free will, because if God (or a god) was intervening that much, there would be no struggle...and there's no point of free will. A man, diving off a 10-story building, would be saved...and that is just one example of his free will being ripped away.

    Makes sense.


    Extrasolar planets aren't perfect for life, though...and out of the 750 or so we've found outside of the solar system (I'm sure the number has grown a bit more), we have only found exoplanets that are similar to the others in our solar system...not necessarily Earth, and when we do find something close, it's only because it shares a similar property. Us humans all have similar body temperatures, but we aren't the same. My green eyes are like my cousin's, but she's a female with blonde hair.

    Literally every single year that passes by, scientists find more and more exoplanets than the previous years. Science is evolving, and we're using many more methods of discovering these planets than we knew about years ago.




    In the next 10 years alone, we'll have discovered thousands of planets outside our own solar system. It's foolish to think Earth will be the only planet in the Universe that harbors life. Your eyes might be different than your cousin's, but in the end they serve the same purpose.



    Words like "theoretically" and "probably" are also words that scientists want to avoid at all costs, whether they want to admit it or not. If a scientist were to acknowledge an unknown form of life outside of the Earth, he would really have to acknowledge the possibility of a higher power...and, in that case, a god. Theories are based on assumed facts, but we all know that assumed facts have been manipulated and changing for years in the field of science.

    If scientists were to find life outside of Earth, it would open the door for other discoveries of life as we know it. Finding a common factor of that planet and Earth, be it the atmosphere, ground conditions, or what have you... Life started on Earth, and life started on another planet, has to have a common scientific ancestor.


    The theory of gravity is just that.. a theory. Go test it out and see if it changes. Gravity exists whether you believe it or not.



    I can never compare a comic book, or a fairy tale, to religion. We know exactly where Batman came from, who created him, and when. Nobody has a clue who has written about the first god, or who claims to have seen one, etc...and Batman was created with everyone's knowledge that he was a fictional character. Far different. What if someone really did see a higher power building pyramids that are so massive and well-constructed, it's impossible to imagine it being done by your average human?

    Give credit where credit is due. The Egyptians were years ahead of their time in many aspects of their daily life.


    There are far too many unexplained events that science will never fully dig into. Things just don't happen, not with this kind of design, not this complex. We have billions of people, hundreds of testimonies, and still no answers to how this all started, if there's life on other planets, if there's another Earth with humans, if we can create life out of nothing, etc.


    It all goes back to this: if I was God, and I wrote my story and handed it to multiple people to translate (or I created a story by walking the Earth during that time)...you could go thousands of years into the future and see that the story shares the same ideas (ex. a higher power). But, it was manipulated and altered to fit the understanding of that particular culture, creating multiple religions and, thus, making some believe that this is all a hoax. A hoax...that some genius actually sat down at a table, thousands of years ago, and wrote what is the greatest collection of books on Earth...and that "story" (whether it's fact or fictional) actually persuaded nearly an entire planet to believe in something that most had never seen before (again, if this was created by a typical human).


    It's just very hard to imagine that.

    Why is it that hard to imagine? Have you ever played a game of telephone? Imagine a 2000 year old game of telephone, started by some crazy people who thought the world was flat 2000 years ago. Seem plausible now?


    I have to ask you this - when you were going through your rough patch with your eyes, and you had all those surgeries in order to save them, was it an act of god saving your eyes, or the work of a medical doctor who's spent decades in school preparing to save his patient?

  2. Multiple holy books once contained identical messages. Since then, all of these books, with the exception of one, have been altered significantly by humans, but numerous connections can still be made between all of those religious texts.

    So if many of these stories are relatively similar, the only gap being the geography of where the religions started, would you still be the same faith that you are today if you were born in say, India, Israel, or Italy?

  3. There are a little under two deaths on Earth every second, and 150,000+ per day. Do you expect him to save every single person? You're right, he's an all-loving god, and he doesn't pick and choose. Living on Earth is about free will, and how you live your life AND impact those around you...that's what you'll be judged for when the time comes.


    Sit back and imagine a world that knew, for a fact, that God existed...and not only that, but he was saving every life on Earth. Not taking into account how crowded it would be, you're basically going to see a planet full of mindless drones. The world would be so perfect, you really wouldn't have a purpose, at that point.



    If you take an all-black culture from centuries ago, and look at their pictures (nothing else), without any knowledge of God or a god...you'd have to assume that a picture of God (or a god) would be the same skin color. Language was created by man, and interpretation? Created by man.




    Like I've said many times before, I fail to see how we all came from something that didn't involve a designer. Our bodies, everything around us, were designed to function perfectly together, with the perfect Earth and its atmosphere and resources, perfect distance from the sun and moon to support life (MUCH unlike any other planet we've ever discovered). I find it hard to believe that particles around me can't collide and create before my very eyes...never witnessed by anyone, ever, in any open environment.


    Puzzling to me.

    Why would we be mindless drones? Human would still have free will, religion would just be one more thing we wouldn't have to go to war about.


    Actually scientists discover exoplanets almost every day, and there are many planets inside a star's habitual zone, or zone in which it could theoretically support life. The earth is only unique in how we perceive science today - basically, when we find earth-like planets (which we have found many), soon we'll realize that we aren't special. We're in an average shaped galaxy in a slightly below average sized star on a medium sized planet that happens to fall inside the star's habitable zone. There's probably millions of earth-like planets in our own galaxy. We're not special.

  4. It's interesting to note, and I don't have any sources, but many of the stories of the bible were actually told hundreds of years before their time, stolen from different religions.


    It's also interesting how before we were traveling the worlds... Egyptian gods looked like Egyptians (or animals haha), Indian gods looked like Indians, Chinese gods looked like the Chinese, etc. Coincidence?

  5. Look at terrorism, mass destruction, etc. as the result of decisions made by the creation. God doesn't control the decisions of any individual, whether it's the average man or someone who is pushing to cause terror. That's one of the principles of this life being a test. It wouldn't be a proper test if the creator set his creation on earth and then directly managed the decision-making of that creation. We all have a moment of birth and a moment of death, and all the time in between is for us to make the decisions we feel are right. People who live lives full of doing wrong and causing harm will face the proper consequences, and people who fall victim harmful acts and endure hardships will be judged fairly as well. So it isn't that God is turning away from anyone. It's completely the opposite. God is at everyone's side and knows what is best for everyone, whether the better days lie in this life or in the next (or both). The test of this life may very well include being wronged by another individual or group, or it may just be a test directly from God (for example, the passing of a loved one). Either way, every part of the test is significant toward the afterlife.

    Another great post.. you've got to be the most well-spoken 16 year old on the internet haha

    • Like 1
  6. That goes with the point made earlier in this thread that what we do in this life is a test. The choices we make dictate not only life but the afterlife. The creator is going to see how its creations act in the context of all the possible situations that its species could be involved in. Then the creator will see how the actions of its creations affects the world.


    The creator is observing, and maybe when things get so bad that the world is on the brink of extinction, the creator will be forced to interfere. Until then, it will let life dictate where its environment heads.

    So said child, who's parents were both killed, and who was born with AIDS, is supposed to believe in this God. He is supposed to thank god for the life given to him, and worship this God who gave him this shitty life.


    But if he doesn't... if he does not believe in this God whom he has never heard of, then he burns in a firey pit for the rest of eternity.


    Damn what a shitty deal for that poor child!

  7. Choosing the suffering over intervening is exactly what I said. You said that in that case it would mean that it enjoys the suffering. I don't see the connection between being patient about something and enjoying something.

    So he just sits back and watches thousands of undeserving children die every day. He has the power to stop it, but chooses not to. Correct me if I'm wrong by saying that.

  8. Stop rewording everyone's post. It's immature and really doesn't help the credibility of your argument.


    I said that the creator is merely choosing to observe and give mankind a chance to change its ways as opposed to interfering. That doesn't mean it is enjoying what could be going on. There'a a huge difference.

    You said he's patient and willing, which means he's CHOOSING to let these people suffer. I'm not twisting your words at all. If he was an all-loving god, he wouldn't pick and choose his favorites.


    EDIT: For example, what if I said I wasn't going to water my plant. To the plant, I am God. I provide it's water, it's sunlight, soil, everything it needs to survive. I'm going to be patient, and see if it can 'evolve,' or continue living, or if it'll figure out how to find the nutrients it needs by itself. Am I choosing to let it die, or not?

  9. Chooses to ignore? Would that mean He also chooses to ignore disease, corruption, and hostility? This life isn't meant to be perfection or anything close to it. The significance of this life is that it's a path into the next one. Struggles, no matter how severe they are, are part of life, whether they are affecting you, me, or an individual fighting for their life against unjust rule. If I told you that any being who handles the struggles in their lives in the right manner would be assisting themselves in earning a perfect life in the hereafter, where would you see the imperfection in the creator? Relative to the endless afterlife, the length of this life is nothing. So it's not that the creator is choosing to ignore anything. The whole idea is that just about everything in everyone's life is nothing more than a test for the hereafter.


    If you're going to call into question why occurrences like genocide, famine, and wars occur, then shouldn't you also call into question why, just off the top of my head, some school kid's lunch money got stolen or why an employee has to take a paycut? What exactly is the defining line for what should and should not occur in the world? I'm curious as to what degree of perfection you would expect in this life with the presence of a creator.

    First off +1 for the great post.


    And next, I'm not saying that if there were a creator in this world, that everything would have to be perfect. My opinion is that if a creator knowingly allows for mass destruction, why would you want that type of influence to be in your life?


    I don't question why a kid's lunch money gets stolen because that is apart of life, which is a part that I agree with you. I don't think life should be "perfect" in a sense, my biggest qualm is why would he just turn his back away on so many people who actually need God in their lives?

  10. Wow bro, you are taking this way to personal. I never said that I didn't believe you that you took Astronomy. I said I just wanted you to explain what you know about it. Which a lot of people know what you know about planets. But I'm looking for answers to space for LIFE forms not just study rocks, gases, etc... I never doubted you that you didn't take Astronomy but I know in the Astronomy class you had. You didn't find another race out there or any kind of life form. That is what I was talking about when I said WHO KNOWS WHATS OUT THERE. Because the only way for us to find out is if we our selves go there. Because NASA for sure will not tell the public if they found Life form.


    Do you understand me a little more now.



    And take it easy man, no one here is against your ideas, opinions. We are just sharing.

    It's a possibility that there's life on Mars still - astronomers just recently (within the last 2 weeks or so) discovered that there's likely liquid water underneath the surface of Mars




    That's not the exact link, but its the same idea.


    And I do respect your opinion, and I apologize if it came off like I didn't.

  11. Not really. I certainly don't agree the kid deserves it... And I wish I could do something about it. If it all depended on me - it wouldn't happen! And maybe if I go to Africa I can help some of those kids... but something tells me that somewhere there'll always be someone suffering.


    So I'm asking myself: "Why is that orphan child born with AIDS who has never even heard of God deserves his suffering?" I admit I can't provide an answer to that...

    I certainly respect the fact that you think you should personally take action, instead of how some people just think praying will work.

  12. You need to calm down man, you are totally misundertand everything I've said and Sħãlïq̵'. You are just going off what you read from the textbook and call it good and think that is true. You don't know me and I don't need to explain myself in further detail because aren't capable of understanding what I've said. And once again you again haven't said anything about space or anything you are just blowing hot air and putting words in to people have telling them this is how they believe and stuff like that.


    If you cannot handle this discussion then you know what to do.



    You think a 2000 year old piece of fiction is true, I think modern day science is true.

  13. Well, maybe that certain someone doesn't exactly 'advocate' murders, rapes, and so on... My guess is all that's some kind of punishment. And they all deserve it you know... Go figure. I tend to think everything happens for a reason. Even when a 2-year baby gets killed or stuff -- it happened because it had to happen, you know. Call it karma, if you want to but it was just 'meant' to be like that. Just my .02....

    I'll call you an inhumane "person" who is a scare to everyday society if you truly think like that. That truly sounds like something Hitler would say. But of course not in German.


    The funny thing is you think they deserve it? Please tell me how a 6 month old orphan in Africa who lost his parents to a war and AIDS deserves what he's getting. You're a [expletive]ing asshole man.

  14. I see what you mean but the existence of genocide, famine, and wars, doesn't necessarily stop a 'creator' from caring, you know... But yeah, I wish there some scientific proof... Dudes need to start digging.

    So tell me then, why would you worship someone who advocates murders, rapes, and slavery? What about that says "Hey, that's someone I want to be like?"

  15. Yea well I'm doing Astronomy as well and of course we can know what is outside of our planet but then again NASA is the ultimate player and they block/filter things out so we cannot learn what is out there. And yea we see things through a high powerful glass but the thing is when you go bird watching you just see what you want to see you don't see anything else. The only way you see something else is if you go there, which I don't see many humans space travelling right now ha.

    Based on your lack of knowledge in the subject, saying we know hardly anything outside our Earth, I'm going to say you're bluffing about having any knowledge in the field.

  16. Yes, there is life after death.



    How can you speak for said 'creator?'

    I can't speak for/to a creator, but if I could I'd ask why would a creator of the Universe care about 16 year old Wali when there's mass genocide, famine, and wars going on every day that it chooses to ignore?

  17. Yeah, everything around you. The reason you are live the reason there is a universe the reason we live inside of a unverse the reason God made multi-universes. The reason you breath this oxygen to power you heart, your lungs, your body.


    Not all of this came from just a coincidence, there is no way. Something of a great power so great we don't even have 0.1% to understand but we know how powerful it is that is how great God is. It's like when you play sports you hear of this team in your league how powerful, how great they are but you haven't played them and another thing is you've seen them on video you are witnessing something great that you are going up against. But then again in that moment in your mind you don't even have 50% clue what you will face on Sunday night, you see they are fast, strong all this but you really don't know their full potential because you haven't gone up against them. And even if you might have a bit understanding on their speed and strenght but you are the in that moment yet you are just witnessing them through video. And on top of that they have plays you've never even seen nor heard of, and once game they comes boom they punch you in the mouth so hard you have no clue what just hit you just like you had no clue from the being when you watch that video how they will play.


    And that was only 50% but imagine God NOT even 0.1% do we understand who God is, we are just aware of his power and of his beauty that he has created.



    Another thing that amazes me about God is, I'll tell you a fact about a bird. And that bird is a Crow, it has a powerful mind/memory. That mind of it's is so powerful that there is no HUMAN on Earth that has anything like this and the human mind is much much bigger but in life size doesn't matter. The Crow's mind can remember every single humans face on earth and it can remember what you did to it. So if you were rude it will come back at you in some way you will have no clue and if you were nice, well you were nice so you get some cosmo points haha but yeah such a powerful spices and the brain is amazing.

    I'm sorry to say you wasted your time posting this, but you wasted your time posting this. Noneo f what you posted is scientific evidence, which is what I asked for. Show me a scientific article showing indisputable doubt of God's existence.


    None of this is scientific evidence as much as I say it's scientific evidence that Spiderman fights crime in NYC jsut because he's in a comic book. Need proof? It's in the comic book!

  18. But grass, trees, animals an so on anything that is living has energy but we humans are special so we can expirement with his energy to improve our lives and remember who we used to be and the spirit behind us. Science is very powerful and they know a lot but they will never tell you in school about this energy the reason I say energy because it is truly energy and it's something we Western people do not understand so when we here Chakra's we think it's bullshit but I've been to that point 3 years ago I was a loose cannon but right now I've calmed down and started to care and understand what life is and whats it about. And if you started at an earlier time in your life to see this type of stuff it will only impower you for greatness when you get to be 21, 25, 30+ then when you are 35-40 you are becoming a genuis. If we look back in our smartest people all of them have done research in the Tibetan/Indian studies about spirituality, chakra's (Energy for us Western people) and so on.


    I mean there is even stories about Jesus how he spend time over in Tibet/India area learn about peace, spirituality, energy an so on.

    Why the [expletive] are humans special? You think you're entitled to something only because you're human and I just don't get why.

  19. I understand where you are coming from my friend and read my post above your post right now.


    But also God is great you just have to open your eyes yourself and open you mind, then you will understand what God really is and how powerful God is and how God created all this, and once you read my post the one I told you too. And if you understand it you connection with God can be improve in such ways it's hard to understand but you just feel it and obviously there is a lot more to what I've said above but yeah, in this world we live in now. They are just trying to keep us down but all of us our waking up and asking questions because we want to know the true human history and understand our planet and what is out there in the universe.

    I respect your opinion, but could you post ANY scientific evidence of God's existence?

  20. Bro a squirrel has not self-conscious, it is unaware of a creator it is unaware of the universe. And I can tell you have no clue about energy (chakra) these chakra's run through your body and they are connected to you spirit and this energy is connected to the universe (cosmos) then these energies are connected to God because God is what made you and all of this. Just like the Earth has a magnetic field of energy and Earth also has other energies. So the Earth is a Karma that is where the term comes from what goes around comes back. Earth can sense your energy and it can sense it if its positive or negative. So it feels your self-conscious, sub-conscious, concious and so on. Damn there is way more for me to say but it cannot be summarized in 10 minutes.


    The bottom line just like a star, (which you even talked about up there) has a purpose in life, well my friend so do we. And thounds of years ago our first people were amazing humans when it came to mind, strenght, spirituality. One human was so powerful that there was no need for government for us to support and look to for help, this is just one human, but there was millions of our people like this, that is why Lemuria and Atlantis were so great civilizations. And their past history echo's through earth to this day.


    Humans were so great at one point your mind cannot even imagine. But I'll tell you this and I say this to everyone on here and in person too, meditation is just an amazing thing that you cannot even put in words brings you closer to the universe and improve your energies (chakra) and there is so much to it then just that. And word note when I say brings you closer to the universe it brings you closer to God as well.



    But our 3 big religons do not focus on this because they know we are sheep so they want to make interest off us by being a slave at work or by pouring in money in to there fundations.



    You speak of this "chakra" like it's a scientific fact. While it's just a philosophy, using this as your argument is just as good as "God is real because it says so in the bible."

  21. What? Yeah that is def. not a fact, because we have no clue what happens have death and what is even out there outside of out planet. Maybe we know what is outside of our planet but we the public is not getting filled in on whats out there. And about the interest maybe that could be little bit correct but maybe they are just waiting for us to open our minds and not be the sheep we are and be more intuned with the universe and what is happening out there. So yeah they probably just want us to improve and walk for ourselves first before they help us with anything. Just like how a parent cannot walk for the child the child has to walk for it's self first before the parent can teach it more.

    Except these days children are being told at a young age God is great, believe in him.. look he has a playground at the church!

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