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Posts posted by trutrojan8

  1. I'm taking 2 online classes this semester, I have no interest in the Africana experience or Sonora, nor do I even know what they're about, but apparently they're the easiest online classes you can take.


    I'll have 4 day weekends every week, but I still plan on getting a lot of shit done on M/W/F that I don't have class.


    Also just today a math class opened up for 5-6:15, which is LIGHT YEARS better than the 8 am I was stuck in earlier.

  2. IMO him 'not getting a ring' shouldn't tarnish his NFL career at all. Football is a team game, it's nothing like basketball. It's not his fault in the slightest that a RB (not even the most important position on his side of the ball) couldn't lead his team to a Super Bowl.

  3. Off-topic as usual. You're like a stalker. It's pretty weird.


    In case you didn't see the title of this thread, it's about the basketball game being played in Miami tonight.

    Oh, so its off topic when I say after the series, you leave until a Republican takes office, but not off topic when you say after the series, for someone to play cricket for 2 months?


    OK just making sure.

  4. That's not a bold prediction either, so I'm not sure why you bother guaranteeing shit and having people quote you.


    Oh, and I love how you try and talk about my "predictions", when the people claiming they were far off don't know how to read what I said.


    So much for OKC losing the the Spurs?




    How about if the Heat win you leave and play cricket for two months, and if the Thunder win, I'll leave until September. You're annoying as hell.

    How about after this series, you leave until a Republican takes office? That way nobody has to deal with your shit for another 4 years.

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