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Everything posted by DWhiTex34

  1. Yea I dont think ima fan of accelerated clock either.
  2. Everyone needs to register for the online forum... is it really that hard?.... just do it
  3. C: Patrick O'Bryant PF: Zach Randolph SF: Gerald Green SG: Sasha Vujacic PG: Sebastian Telfair Perfect.
  4. There he is haha, yo Matt its donnell. Also join the online franchise forum here this is where were gunna keep track of everything, this was just the sign up place. Just go to the GM check in place and let them know Rams are here. so book mark that site also http://pgsmaddenonlinefranchise.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx
  5. Hahah exactly man, I remember when I 1st made the switch WOW did I realize how bad Live SUCKS hahah
  6. Fitz could say hey Nate im doing a curl route, ok? and Nate still wouldnt stop ISH
  7. No, go Rams o.o so my division is filled =]
  8. What I dont get is why "Needing KG" hurts Pierce's legacy but "Needing Pierce" doesn't hurt KG's?
  9. Teams back then in the early 2000's with Pierce running the show ALWAYS over achieved due to who?... PIERCE. he always took those Celtic teams FARTHER then they were supposed to go, ALWAYS. he never choked in the playoffs EVER. Every time Pierce's teams have lost in the playoffs it was vs teams they were SUPPOSED to lose too. I mean come on Walter McCarty, Eric Williams, Rodney Rodgers, Tony Delk, Kenny Anderson and them were solid players but do you really think they were types of guys you want to build around your star to win a title..... PLEASE....... Pierce always was EVERYTHING for the Celtics. Kevin Garnett was always EVERYTHING for the Timberwolves and where did KG go without PIERCE?? He went to the SAME LEVEL PIERCE DID which was the conference finals. So does that take away from Kevin Garnett's legacy because he didn't win anything without Pierce? no it doesn't, so it shouldn't for Pierce.
  10. And Cassel overthrows him by 25 yards o.o Trust me, Moss knows what I mean.
  11. & they get to be pwned by me & my Arizona Cardinals twice xD
  12. Now: Steph Back then: Franchise
  13. Aright sounds good. Yo I dont like that Simming user vs CPU idea. I will have like a lot of simmed games if nobody picks the Rams or Seahawks
  14. & so we cant go for it on like 4th & 1 or 2? not every time but if your drive is going good and stuff
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