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Posts posted by *Swish*

  1. They do not have a franchise player for now but they're still young.. give Jennings some time and I'm sure he could be a good point guard. He just needs to develop his basketball IQ, stop shooting the ball so much but also learn how to pass MORE and also pass BETTER. Other than that, building around him and Bogut is the right choice, then, they have to make some moves to make the roster better because I don't think a lot of free agents will go to Milwaukee

  2. I don't need to disable the PM system. I trust that you'll stay away from spamming it. Quite frankly, at this point, it will make or break your site...and that doesn't really sound reasonable because of the current activity there, but this is coming from someone who has seen it over and over again, probably more than anyone else here, on sites that I figured would run everyone else to the ground.


    You can put a link into your sig space, as always. I know most sites don't allow that, but by doing that, you can promote your site as long as you're posting on ours, so it's a two-way street...both parties benefit from it (unless the poster ends up adding 1-2 liners that don't contribute at all, just to spam, but again, I think you're different now).

    I changed man.. I think my site is active enough for me not to spam sites like yours that have been running for years.. I stopped spamming for months now and I think I'm done with it.. I won't put my site in my signature.. Only problem would be when I post my mixes because there is my site's intro...hit me up if it bothers you.. and it will be deleted right away bro.

  3. 1. Is LeBron James a winner?

    2. Is LeBron James overhyped?

    3. True or False: Lebron is hated because of all this hype? Chozen one, King James?

    4. Best aspect of his game?

    5. Worst aspect of his game?

    6. Where does he rank all time?

    7. In you opinion, where will he rank when it is all said and done?

    8. Your honest opinion of him?

  4. 1. Rondo: The younger player. We already saw him as a leader for this team. Yeah ok he has no jump shot but could definitely lead them vocally, pass the ball like he always does, play defense like he always does but also drive to the basket more often


    2. Paul Pierce: He's still very important for that team especially offensively where he could pretty much score anything with his step back jumper.


    3: Kevin Garnett: Hopefully, no injuries will stop him this year. The guy is very important for the Boston Celtics because he will always bring his A Game showing passion and Celtic Pride. Still a very good defender and I love his mid range jumper.


    4: Ray Allen: Best three point shooter out there but he will be after the three players I already stated because he doesn't run the offense that much. He's more of a catch and shooter BUT could also make the mid range and drive to the rim.

  5. They got to see how Kemba adapts and how fast Kemba adaptions to the league. Then, I think they would build around Kemba and try to make some trades. I mean, free agency won't be the best option for them to look at. It's not a team that EVERY player thinks about one day even though MJ is the owner. No offense to Bobcats fans out there but this team barely has any future until they make significant moves

  6. PG: Derrick Rose

    SG: Brewer/Bogans/Korver

    SF: Deng

    PF: Boozer/Gibson

    C: Noah


    I think SG is the only hole they have to fill. They got Rose who is one of the best PG in the game (never said he was the best), Deng who is very good on ball defender, and good knock down shooter, Boozer who's a top 10 PF with Gibson off the bench who could have a pretty good future and Noah at center who shows passion energy and hustle by playing AMAZING defense... I'd say they need a better back up C and a starting SG

  7. Yeah ok there is a lockout.. so what? Is it going to stop you to talk NBA or talk BASKETBALL? Not me..


    so I had an idea that we had on my site.. and I think we could do it here as well




    Topic ideas:


    Favorite trash talking lines

    Do you play basketball in the rain?

    What's your career high?

    What's your weaknesses




    What do you guys think!?

  8. Been mixing for about 2-3 months with a program called VideoPad.. I'm trying to get Sony Vegas right now but it's not really working out. Hopefully, I'll get it soon because I feel I could do something special.


    Anyways, here are some of my mixes from oldest to newest (won't post the terrible ones) (first three I'm going to post have bad quality but are pretty cool)





  9. Forget about the old Swish please.


    I changed.. don't believe it, I'll prove it.


    Not here to spam..


    Real Deal, if you want, Disable the PM privilege for me.


    I'm just here to get you guys some activity, share some mixes I make/made, and talk ball when I have time


    I still feel like I'm part of this community... HN is doing extremely well but I just wanted to help you guys..


    So thank you RD for unbanning me and I'm sure I'll make a new image of myself on OTR!


    Won't be SO active though

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