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The Great iBoldin

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Everything posted by The Great iBoldin

  1. Marchand looks like he's keeping some extra fat on there, sort of surprised at the beer gut. Also, I love trades like these, they're exciting and huge. Wonder how it leaves Philly's core now. Very young.
  2. How does the ref even know he has a piercing down there? Why even say anything? That's just bizarre.
  3. It was planned. There were guys on the skytrains on the way in discussing what was gonna happen later "win or lose" I was just too drunk to mention it last night lol. A lot of people had walkie talkies and a lot of people had bandanas. They knew what was going to happen.
  4. Big stand off right now. A bunch of idiots vs armed Police Officers with 5 German Shepards. [expletive]ing idiots.
  5. Georgia and Homer, that's where I was. Seen that guy. It's straight [expletive]ed. No other way to explain it.
  6. Reports a Boston fan just got pushed off the overpass. This is truly barbaric and [expletive]ing disgusting. I knew this would happen, but I didn't know it would go so far as to take someone's life away because they rooted for another team.
  7. I heard some guy got stabbed in the heck. [expletive], even old woman in her 80's was cut on her face in the 1st period, it's disgusting.
  8. There were 10 to 12 screens around rogers arena, I was at the one where the major rioting is going on, on Georgia. Honestly have never seen anything like this in my entire life
  9. I just got home. it's bad. I got smashed with a glass bottle and maced lollllllllll, i guess i'll feel it in the morning. Like Warren I'm drinking my sorrows in a 40 oz. fml congrats ecn
  10. FriedgeHNIC Elliotte Friedman Game 6: new record of 6.6 million Canadians. Peak of 8.1 million. 16.2 of you watched at some point. Thank you once again, see you tomorrow.
  11. Also, how much did you pay for your ticket? Where did you sit? My friends dad just sold a lower bowl for 8000.. crazy what people will pay, that's like 1/4th of a person entire yearly salary in some cases.
  12. You could "Let's Go Bruins" quite clearly on CBC, NBC and on any highlights you see on youtube where the sound quality isn't that great. EDIT - Yeah, you just posted it. I actually don't have a problem with the hit at all, it was just an awkward play.
  13. ECN, the thing I have the problem the most with you is the hypocrisy and homer ism that you stuff into every single post. Don't try to defend the Boston crowd, they were chanting Let's Go Bruins as he was getting helped off the ice. That's disgusting and a total hypocritical view on Vancouver being this egotistical bunch of divers when your team and fans have been just as classless and pathetic as the Canucks have. And not even you can deny it, even though I know you'll call me an idiot, try to make excuses and make yourself look like even more of a homer in the process.
  14. Of course Edmonton and Calgary don't want us to win, they're huge rivals. I don't like or care about Toronto, but I know a lot of people in Ottawa and Montreal want us to win anyways. If the Canucks win one of these two next games, the Canucks are the penultimate trolls with Lapierre and Burrows skating around with the cup. And I will be as obnoxious as possible throughout the entire thing. Some more Lapierre for you.. http://leshabitantssontmagnifique.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/0.jpg http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Gallery/Hockey/2009/04/07/habs.jpg http://mit.zenfs.com/206/2011/06/115862322.jpg http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/stanleycup2011/blog/assets_c/2011/06/lapierre-maxim-620-cp-110515-thumb-620xauto-100446.jpg Biggest beauty in the NHL today.
  15. No, I was talking about the too-many-men no call, the slash on Daniel, that crosscheck in front of the net on Burrows, etc etc. We already know that you're going to try to skew any thing towards a Boston fans perception, so there is no sense in arguing with you. All I can say is, you mad ECN? http://i50.tinypic.com/2v0xs79.jpg
  16. I guess the Canucks will be playing the Bruins and the referees tonight.
  17. I think we can only hope now that he bounces back. He bounced back against Chicago and he hasn't looked back till these last two games. All the Canucks need to do is score first, something they didn't do in either of these games and they control the tempo of these games. I think they'll be fine because they've shown incredible mental resolve the entire season. They definitely need to get the Power Play in check and I think they will be OK. I think this shaping up to be the best Stanley Cup Playoffs in a long time however, all these games have been really exciting, even Game 3 for the drama.
  18. This series is very similar to the Chicago one. I expect Luongo to bounce back because that's what he did against Chicago. This guy needs the Cup more then anyone in this series right now.
  19. These last 4 periods have completely changed any confidence I had in Vancouver. They look so.. off. We need Hamhuis back, we can't have Alberts, Salo or Rome or Ballard playing 20 a game I guess. The complete level isn't there and Boston is playing well. Maybe we just need home ice or something, but man it doesn't look good right now. I guess they couldn't play much worse, that's an upside I guess.
  20. Also, I'll take Vancouver 3-1 - Luongo comes back with a strong game, goals by Kesler, Tanner Glass (lol) and Burrows into the empty net to troll Boston. EDIT - I will say, however, that I have no idea what to expect. Boston proved me wrong and I hope that the Canucks just WIN. Please.
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