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NHL 10'


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Here's a new video of the NHL 10' refinements.


This game sounds absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!






I have played Madden, NBA 2k, Fifa, NBA Live, MLB 2k, NHL 2k, NFL 2k, and other sports games, and I can say that none of those other series even come close to making their games better year after year compared to the EA NHL series.



I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS GAME TO COME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This game sounds so [expletive]ing amazing. Honestly by the sounds of things you won't even need to go online. My only problem with playing Dynasty was that the opponents were so predictable, especially the defenders, there was a move I can do every time to get by a defender. That is why I went online even though the cheesers pissed me off.


I can't believe all the stuff they are improving on, the game sounds amazingly detailed and specific to individual players. Also so happy the one-timer is dead, if it is the one where the guy comes up the boards, goes around the circle and passes it across the crease and one-times it, always goes in. If they removed the 'always' goals the game this past year would have been damn near perfect in terms of gameplay IMO.


I'll be playing the demo more than my actual games when it comes out lol.

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I have no clue how my team in NHL 09 only scores like 3.00-3.5gpg when my lines are:




Kovalchuck- Datsyuk- Gaborik(or someone else I forget)


Lucic- E. Stall- Kessel



Seriously, how doesn't my team score like 5gpg?


I have tried everything from Agressive, Full Attack, or whatever else, and I can't score that many goals when I simulate the games.




Also, does anyone else that play have Rick Nash win the scoring title every [expletive]ing season?



Also, I'm glad they fixed the trading next year because I trade Patrice Bergeron+Mark Stuart for Alexander Ovechkin.

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They said that they pretty much got rid of the "Curve Shot" as well, which is great, and I really hope they got rid of the shot where you skate around the net, turn, and take a slap-shot and it goes in every time.


whats the curve shot? ive probably seen it but just didnt know the name



and i cant wait for this game. it sounds too good to be true

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Also, does anyone else that play have Rick Nash win the scoring title every [expletive]ing season?


Iginla and Joikenen (sp?) are always 1-2 in the scoring race for me every season. I have finished about 4 seasons (3 on an old dynasty and one on a newer one) and every single season Iginla has won the Hart, Art Ross and Rocket Richard trophies while Joikenen finishes second to him in goals and points all of the time.


Also, Ryan Miller has won the Vezina and Jennings trophies in 3 of the 4 seasons that I have finished lol.

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Iginla and Joikenen (sp?) are always 1-2 in the scoring race for me every season. I have finished about 4 seasons (3 on an old dynasty and one on a newer one) and every single season Iginla has won the Hart, Art Ross and Rocket Richard trophies while Joikenen finishes second to him in goals and points all of the time.


Also, Ryan Miller has won the Vezina and Jennings trophies in 3 of the 4 seasons that I have finished lol.


I think I had Johnny Boychuck win the Norris Trophy, and I think that Ryan Miller may have won the Vezina as well. :lol: .



I always struggle against the Philadelphia Flyers in the playoffs, and I still have no clue how I don't win almost every single game with this offense:




Heatley-Datsyuk-#1 Over-All pick


Lucic-E. Stall-Wheeler





How doesn't my team score like 6 goal/game?!?!!?!?!!?

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whats the curve shot? ive probably seen it but just didnt know the name



and i cant wait for this game. it sounds too good to be true


I haven't seen it too much, but a lot of people do it.



You are in the middle of the ice near the blue line, and if you are a right-handed shot, you kind of wind up and move to the left and it goes over the goalies shoulder I think.

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That is the curve shot.


Couple questions ECN, do you turn cap off? Or you just finding loopholes or something to get all those guys. Secondly how is that even fun? Damn having an all-star out there each shift ain't fun is it? How you even get a challenge out of that lol.


Also who is that young guy on Columbus? He is always dominating my dynasties within a few years, Filatov? I'm not sure of what his name is. Usually Ovie is leading my dynasty in points, Nash is right there too. Also Gagne is usually top 3.

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my team is better then that. its fun dominating teams. and i have iginla, nash and ovechkin, so i dont have to worry about them leading the league :)



and its either filatov or another guy which i can not remember the name. but probably filatov














and my ahl team is filled with guys like ryan, doughty, turris, and a bunch of other young guys


and i havent started my 2nd season yet. i still got some trading to do before i start



and universe, gotta play with no cap. its not fun juggling guys to keep under the cap. i worry about skill, not cost :)

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That is the curve shot.


Couple questions ECN, do you turn cap off? Or you just finding loopholes or something to get all those guys. Secondly how is that even fun? Damn having an all-star out there each shift ain't fun is it? How you even get a challenge out of that lol.


Also who is that young guy on Columbus? He is always dominating my dynasties within a few years, Filatov? I'm not sure of what his name is. Usually Ovie is leading my dynasty in points, Nash is right there too. Also Gagne is usually top 3.


I don't actually play the games against the CPU in Dynasty.


I simulate the games because I like to be a GM.



Also, I do have the salary cap on which makes it tougher, and it pissed me off because the game put Alexander Ovechkin on my AHL team because of salary cap reasons, and I had to trade three players or so in order to have enough cap room to being him up.


And, my team doesn't always "dominate" which is confusing because of how good they are.


The Columbus Blue Jackets always finish near the top of the league.

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i am getting so tired on playing online in 09. every game that i play, all the other team does it constantly lift stick every time i get the puck and when they get it they just do the one timer or wraparound to score. its really just not fun with all the glitches that people abuse. i cant wait till nhl 10

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  • 4 weeks later...

Who else has played the demo?


I am definitely impressed with the game that is for sure. The prospects game is a very nice addition to the Be A Pro mode and I like it a lot more that you are actually drafted to a team rather then just being able to pick what team you want to be a part of. It adds a lot of realism to the whole experience.


The new board play feature is a very different change of pace and allows you to play a complete different strategy which I love. Having puck battles down along the boards is such a huge part of hockey and I am really gald that they added this feature.


The computer seems to play smarter as well. They aren't nearly as predictable both offensively and defensively so you aren't able to just do the exact same things over and over as they adjust to it pretty well (and at higher difficulties I am sure that they will adjust even quicker). No longer are you able to simply take the puck wide and send a cross crease pass for an easy one timer goal and it makes puck possession more important. You have to get the defense and goalie moving a lot more this year.


There really isn't much more that you can say from playing the demo (I haven't got into a fight yet so I can't comment on the new first person fighting) as you just get the feel for the new additions and gameplay, but from what I have experienced, this game is going to be even better than 09 and I can't wait for September 15th.

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NHL '10 Online League Sign-Ups


Put your gamertag and a list of 3 teams you want if your interested in signing up. I'll run this, it'll be on the 360, hoping to get a fair turn out, of course we probably won't get all 30 but we should get a decent amount.


I have Vancouver. GT is munro09.

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NHL '10 Online League Sign-Ups


Put your gamertag and a list of 3 teams you want if your interested in signing up. I'll run this, it'll be on the 360, hoping to get a fair turn out, of course we probably won't get all 30 but we should get a decent amount.


I have Vancouver. GT is munro09.


Would this be an OTR league? Don't care either way, gamertag is: gameover179





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