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First day of school


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For those that already started, how was it?


Today was my first day of college, I started at 11 AM but I went to the school at 10 AM, I spent 30 minutes looking for parking, and I found a beautiful spot, only to find out its was only for state vehicle parking and it would be towed if I didn't move. Thank god someone told me cause I was too happy to notice that the parking space said state vehicle parking. So after another 15 minutes I got pissed and parked as far away from the school as I could, and it worked but I spent like 10 minutes walking. Then I went to the building where my first class was and I had no idea where the room was, until I ran into an old friend and he found it. First class was slack, we got out early. Then I had 2 hours of break so I met up with my friends, which slowly grew into a group of like 10 people. I didn't feel like I was in school in the main building, I felt like I was at a club, because there was a DJ playing club music the whole day and everyone was squished together because there were too many damn people. So that was fun, spent some time with my friends, at Subway, then checked out the gym, then I went to math and sat down for 2 hours of math with a teacher who barely speaks english. Overall, this was like a whole new world to me, and it was pretty cool.

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First days is Wednesday Septemeber 1st, the start of my Junior year already....


Monday 1:30-3:00 Literature in Global Context


Tuesday 10:30-12:00 Introduction to Makerting

1:30-3:00 ECO1001 Introduction to Economics


Wendesday: 10:00-1:00 Metaphysics



Thursday 1:30-3:00 Literature in Global Context

7:00-10:00 THE1045 Christian Marriage


Friday 10:30-12:00 MKT1001 Introduction to Makerting

1:30-3:00 ECO1001 Introduction to Economics


Online: SPM1022 Sports Marketing


Strange MT TF W classes, st johns switched up their scheduling this year

Edited by Fish7718
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Mine went pretty well. Got to school around 9:15, parked in about 5 minutes but pretty far away. Walked 5 minutes to my first class which is Religion Analysis. Pretty cool class with a young teacher who seemed like a cool guy. Then I went next door to my chem & society class. My teacher is the coolest guy ever. No book, no homework and for tests we get to bring in a piece of paper as big as we want with notes on both sides. Dude's funny as hell. Then I had 2 cheeseburgers at the BK on campus and went to the first of my 2 worst classes. The first one was Microeconomics which is a pretty easy course, but my professor is an Chinese woman with a huuuge accent. It was tough to understand but I think I'll be ok. There was a fine [expletive] girl that sat a few seats away so I need to hop on that before some doucher scoops it up. Then I went to my chem lab and my lab instructor has an even stronger Chinese accent. I couldn't understand a word she said. Then I had another hour break till my last class at 5 which was college algebra. Class is tough but my teacher is a nice guy. Hispanic, talks a lot but seems like a good teacher. There were 2 good looking girls in the class that I sat by so I'm gonna have to break the ice on Wednesday with all 3 to see if i can set something up for labor day weekend at my boys house.


Any advice on what to do?

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I just realized how much my math class blows. Its 2 hours long, it has a 70% failure rare or something, HW every week and they are all over 100 questions, you need to get 70% of the questions right in order to take the quiz, if you don't then you get a 0 on the quiz, and the teacher said that the final is hard as hell.....awesome.

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I just realized how much my math class blows. Its 2 hours long, it has a 70% failure rare or something, HW every week and they are all over 100 questions, you need to get 70% of the questions right in order to take the quiz, if you don't then you get a 0 on the quiz, and the teacher said that the final is hard as hell.....awesome.

Where do you go? A community college? lol

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