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Where were you September 11th?


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I was in class watching it on TV.


I will still remember the kid from the class next to us crying because he was from New York.




United we will ALWAYS stand.


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5th grade. A few of my friends were picked up by their parents but most of us were still in class. After school finished my mom told me what happened but I didn't really understand not being from NY and being a little 5th grader. Once I started watching TV I started understanding what happened.

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I was in elementary in florida, got out about an hour-2 early. we started discussing that it may be the Chinese or Russians. I didint think it was a big deal, like oh boy a plane crashed into a building. Thought it was gonna be a small cessenna, then go home and turn on tv and was like holy[expletive]. My dad was on a plane that day flying directly to chicago, he was in the air while it happened, crazy stuff.

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5th grade classroom, we were doing something when the intercom came on and said to stop and turn the television on. Everybody just watched all day, majority of the kids in my class were taken out early. I ended up staying, when I got home my parents were here just watching it on TV. I knew it was a major tragedy, I just remember everybody was pretty stunned by it.

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5th grade classroom, we were doing something when the intercom came on and said to stop and turn the television on. Everybody just watched all day, majority of the kids in my class were taken out early. I ended up staying, when I got home my parents were here just watching it on TV. I knew it was a major tragedy, I just remember everybody was pretty stunned by it.

What is up with all you guys having TV's in your elementary schools :unsure:

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I don't remember what grade I was in but I was leaving for school when my mom put the tv on we all waited and saw what had happened. I remember getting late for school that day, and getting to school and the teacher was also watching the same thing. We really did not do anything that day.

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My 6th grade English class. My teacher got a phone call around 9:15 and turned on the TV. We actually saw the 2nd tower fall live on TV. Many kids got sent home early because their parents worked at the world trade center. Crazy day, I will never forget it.

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I was in 5th grade. All the teachers for my grade brought us all into one room and we watched some movie about basketball. Nobody would tell us what the hell was going on. Then with about 5 minutes left of school, they briefly told us what happened. I didn't really get the full extent of it until I got home. When my bus pulled in front of my house and I saw both of my parents' cars in the driveway, I figured it was a big deal. They did not typically get home early from work.

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I was in fourth grade and a few minutes before class ended, my teacher was getting emotional and tell us about it. I didn't really know what was going on. I do remember being called a terrorist numerous times after the incident though.


For being Afghan or Muslim?

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we were watching the tennis at like 1am or something late, idk i was pretty young and it obviously was breaking news so tennis cut out and it went to the news over there i guess and me, my mum and brother were watching as it was all happening on tv.


one thing i remember i dont know if it was on the same night but they were (interviewing?) who they thought the suspects were behind it and as soon as osama bin laden came on the screen we were like yep his behind it.

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What is up with all you guys having TV's in your elementary schools :unsure:


Each class had a television haha, I remember every school I went to always had TV's in each classroom. From Pre-K to 12th. I'm surprised you're not use to that. I thought most schools just had them.


Haha, I just remembered how nobody in school used those TV's much either. Just when important things came on, or school announcements. Once in awhile a movie might be shown, but that's rare.

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I was in fourth grade and a few minutes before class ended, my teacher was getting emotional and tell us about it. I didn't really know what was going on. I do remember being called a terrorist numerous times after the incident though.


Same here bro, at first some people were serious but as people really started to realize what had happened and who had done it they stopped.

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I was in Malaysia, studying abroad... it was nighttime and we were at a cafe for some dinner... then they had the jumbo TV showing the plane... I thought it was a movie, I thought it was so cool, the effect was so real and the sound was unreal, until I realized... everyone at the table was so serious and I thought why so serious for just a movie clip... and then the words appeared "America Under Attack".


It was an unreal experience... and obviously, I'm not American and I still felt sad about it.

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I was a senior in high school.


I walked into the school at around 7:50 and teachers were directing us to go to our seminar classes (they were standing out by their doors, and kept looking at the TV's in the room). Seminar was like a home base where we would do homework and sign out to visit teachers, and every classroom had a TV hooked up for us to view a high school channel called Channel ONE.


Well, I went to the class and sat down, and the people that were in there were just sitting, weren't talking, just shocked and watching the TV.


We sat there for about 10 minutes, and saw the second plane hit. Pretty scary. Bush announced that they were due to terrorist attacks sometime after that, and then the plane hit the Pentagon. That event actually put the school on lock-down (wasn't that we were thinking we'd be attacked, but our school's security was always a little off the wall to begin with).


About an hour later, the first tower collapsed, and I'd say about 15 minutes after that, our Principal announced that we were to be released from school.


Came home and watched the rest unfold, didn't even move from the TV most of the morning or afternoon. More angry than scared, really...but devastated is probably the perfect word for it.

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I was a senior in high school.


Phew, I started feeling super old when all these guys were saying they were in elementary school :wacko:


I was a sophomore in high school, and I remember walking through the halls between class and hearing people talking about how some tourist plane had crashed into the towers on accident, I was all "wtf must have been a stupid accident". I got to my computer technology class with Mr. K and he put on the TVs and we saw the second plane had already hit and that it was an attack. I remember an "Oh my God" escaping from the class but not much else being said or done. It was like everyone was frozen in shock/fear, we were so close to NYC and scare of what would happen next.


School didn't end, if I remember correctly. But if you had family in the city, you were allowed to call someone to be picked up. Crazy day, I still remember everyone in the class I was in when I found out and how the teacher reacted and all that.

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