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Are you shallow?


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Yea video games is cool because you can make it a competition and most likely get some out of it.

lol, never thought of it that way.


"Okay, if I beat you in Madden, you give me head, deal?" haha

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I think we are all shallow because we want to see something beautiful when we wake up the next morning...


Unless she's my gf the [expletive] is out of my bed once I've nutted and she's cleaned herself off.


And yes, I am shallow, but not when it comes to actually forming a relationship. I refuse to be with a girl that doesn't interest me on an emotional and intellectual level. I need a girl that can overload my neurological nerves.

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I don't want to sound like a douche but that is why I have friends.

I don't know, to me chilling with your girl is a lot different than chilling with your boys.

I don't want to play video games or watch basketball/football with my girl.

Pretty much opposites attract, I don't want a girl that is like a guy.

exactly. speaking to my guy friends and my girl friends is way different for me.... i dunno why. i'll never ever text a guy just to say "hey, whats up." but i have no problem doing it to a girl. i wouldn't sit down for 2+ hours and just have a 1on1 chat with a guy, whereas i'd be fine doing that with a girl. likewise, i wouldn't ask a girl round to watch the All-Star game, and if i was out messing around i typically wouldn't invite any girls along.


Be a douche-bag when you first meet her, get nicer as time goes on. Has worked every time for me, from one night stands to relationships.

that really works for you? typically where i live if you're an [expletive] girls just won't be interested.

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Girls love the whole non-caring, douchebag. Fall for it every time and then you lay down the charm once you're in. Works every time.


Remember, chicks love a challenge, and the non-caring douchebag is just that to them.

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I can't stand watching sports with women, and it's not necessarily women it can be anyone who just doesn't understand the sport. I can't stand answering questions of "whats pass interference" "what just happened" god it drives me nuts. When I used to force my mom to watch baseball she would say the Mets got a homerun every time they scored a run, so essentially we get 3 homeruns on a bases loaded triple and I would just be like -_- . So if my girl is going to watch sports with me she has to be a sports fan and understand whats going on, if not, just leave me alone we will do stuff together after the game.

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that really works for you? typically where i live if you're an [expletive] girls just won't be interested.

As much as it doesn't make sense, most girls want you more if you're an [expletive] to them. I'm the opposite of an [expletive] to girls so it rarely works out in my favour. But I finally find a normal girl so I'm good haha.

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As much as it doesn't make sense, most girls want you more if you're an [expletive] to them. I'm the opposite of an [expletive] to girls so it rarely works out in my favour. But I finally find a normal girl so I'm good haha.

yeah. see im not a douchebag at all to girls, it's hard for me...i should start though. i think i was too nice to this girl im like arguing with right now lol

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I did notice girls like douche bags. I just can't be a douche though, if I tried I would over do the douchiness (thats not even a word) and then she will tell everyone I am a douche lol

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Girls love the whole non-caring, douchebag. Fall for it every time and then you lay down the charm once you're in. Works every time.


Remember, chicks love a challenge, and the non-caring douchebag is just that to them.

As much as it doesn't make sense, most girls want you more if you're an [expletive] to them. I'm the opposite of an [expletive] to girls so it rarely works out in my favour. But I finally find a normal girl so I'm good haha.


complete opposite to that in the UK... if i go around acting like a [expletive] all the girls will think "wow that guy's a [expletive]" and never talk to me.

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that really works for you? typically where i live if you're an [expletive] girls just won't be interested.

All the time. It's not really acting like a douchebag but more of acting like you could care less about her and that you have a million other girls that want you. It's all in the swag. For example, if you are with a girl you like in a group of people, start flirting with her at first than move on to another girl. The first girl will get extremely jealous and try all she can to get your attention back to her.

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All the time. It's not really acting like a douchebag but more of acting like you could care less about her and that you have a million other girls that want you. It's all in the swag. For example, if you are with a girl you like in a group of people, start flirting with her at first than move on to another girl. The first girl will get extremely jealous and try all she can to get your attention back to her.

yeah, that's just not the way it works out here. if you flirt with a girl then ignore her and flirt with another girl, then girl 1 will think "what an [expletive]."

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Ill tell you a story, and tell me what my friend did to deserve this attention.


I have a friend (hes friend #1 from now on) who was talking to this girl, she had just broken up with her boyfriend but she was extremely horny from what I know. One day my other friend (friend #2) and I sat down at the same table with this girl, friend #1, and her friend. Everything was cool, all she did was talk about [expletive] and lesbians. So the next day we meet up again, and the girl ignores friend #1 that was talking to her, and focuses all her attention on friend #2. Since then, she has an obsession with friend #2, and is just w.e. with friend #1...and she calls me Ben even though she knows my name is Eddy, idk wtf thats supposed to mean.


Basically, my friend just sat there and she is obsessed wit him, and my other friend tried for like a month to get with her and it didn't work. Basically, it all depends on the girl. Some girls like douches, others like nice guys.

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i'm guessing it's just as US/UK thing. like, from what i've heard, in the US if you're on the basketball/football team everyone likes you no matter what kind of person you are :unsure:


back on topic i guess i am shallow. i honestly find it difficult to even talk to girls who aren't above average

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All the time. It's not really acting like a douchebag but more of acting like you could care less about her and that you have a million other girls that want you. It's all in the swag. For example, if you are with a girl you like in a group of people, start flirting with her at first than move on to another girl. The first girl will get extremely jealous and try all she can to get your attention back to her.

not always but yes that is a good tactic to use...lol. sometimes the first girl will be like thank god im not into that dude at all type of thing though

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Alright well I'm not completely shallow, but looks are one of the most important things I look for in a girl. If a guy states to be looking for a girl with only a great personality, he's a [expletive]ing liar lol. If a girl looks pretty, I'll probably start off as the shy guy but start making jokes and talking to her. All guys are really the same, and not one guy in the world isn't shallow. Now girls, or the ones I know, have WAY too high expectations. Some who aren't halfway good looking think they can date anyone they want. Girls are also so weird when it comes to being friends or more then friends. I truthfully have a lot of trouble seeing whether a girl is really into me, or just leading me on. I guess it's because I'm still in high school, and most of the girls are either [expletive]y or happy within a minute. Speaking of girls, a few months ago I was talking to a junior in Waldo's school, small world haha.

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Alright well I'm not completely shallow, but looks are one of the most important things I look for in a girl. If a guy states to be looking for a girl with only a great personality, he's a [expletive]ing liar lol. If a girl looks pretty, I'll probably start off as the shy guy but start making jokes and talking to her. All guys are really the same, and not one guy in the world isn't shallow. Now girls, or the ones I know, have WAY too high expectations. Some who aren't halfway good looking think they can date anyone they want. Girls are also so weird when it comes to being friends or more then friends. I truthfully have a lot of trouble seeing whether a girl is really into me, or just leading me on. I guess it's because I'm still in high school, and most of the girls are either [expletive]y or happy within a minute. Speaking of girls, a few months ago I was talking to a junior in Waldo's school, small world haha.

who? i go to the same school

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lmao, you watch too much TV.


No, actually hes correct, it seemed like all the guys who are on the basketball/football team got all the hot girls, I remember some ugly white guy with glasses and a jew fro got with a really hot girl, that pretty proves im right.

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No, actually hes correct, it seemed like all the guys who are on the basketball/football team got all the hot girls, I remember some ugly white guy with glasses and a jew fro got with a really hot girl, that pretty proves im right.


lol agreed, idk whats up with girls and football players. Even if the dude is a bench warmer and a nerd they still want his balls.

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