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2010 elections


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You talk so much about wanting better leaders, but then you want to elect a criminal?


Good thing Scott was never indicted nor arrested. Some criminal he is.






Why would I vote for Sink, who agrees with a ton of Obama policies?

Edited by Flash
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Good thing Scott was never indicted nor arrested. Some criminal he is.






Why would I vote for Sink, who agrees with a ton of Obama policies?

Someone who is not indicted means that they did no wrong? Okay.

Obamacare is so bad btw. How dare there is a reform that allows children that are denied coverage for bull[expletive] reasons to have their lives saved. How dare they let dependents remain on their parents plans in college.


Nice to see Harry Reid has an early lead

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Someone who is not indicted means that they did no wrong? Okay.

Obamacare is so bad btw. How dare there is a reform that allows children that are denied coverage for bull[expletive] reasons to have their lives saved. How dare they let dependents remain on their parents plans in college.


Nice to see Harry Reid has an early lead


It also calls for Federal Funding for abortion. It adds a ton to our deficit and raises taxes. It also basically makes you a criminal if you don't buy it. Are you kidding me? The problems in that bill are endless.


I'm all for fixing the health care system in this country, but this bill is horrific.

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The recession hit was started during Bush's term and now people expected Obama to fix everything in two years and now everyone is going back to Republican, I'm not a fan of either party, all I know is that America is one of the stupidest and most uneducated countries.


I'm a big fan of Ron Paul and his son Rand Paul, never really looked into him much obviously as I just found out its his son, I know he was associated with the Tea Party aren't they like radical conservatives, wonder how the relationship with his dad is then

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Unemployment under Bush = 5%.


Unemployment under Obama = 10%



I don't like Bush, but Obama is ten times worse.

.05 x 10 = .1? No...


Obama took over a failing economy. No surprise it was bleeding, Bush wasn't in a position to do anything. We are rebounding though. Why pull people out of office when they haven't had time to do anything?


Flash - who cares about abortion? we should be doing stem cell research and people should have the right to choose if they want an abortion or not.

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Unemployment under Bush = 5%.


Unemployment under Obama = 10%



I don't like Bush, but Obama is ten times worse.

lol...what? when Bush LEFT office I guarantee teh unemployment was higher then that?........


It also calls for Federal Funding for abortion. It adds a ton to our deficit and raises taxes. It also basically makes you a criminal if you don't buy it. Are you kidding me? The problems in that bill are endless.


I'm all for fixing the health care system in this country, but this bill is horrific.

What? Are you kidding me? The bill isn't even the true reform this country needs. It's only a step in the right direction.


It actually reduces the deficit and it's not going to raise your taxes. Unless you make over 250K per year.


I just will never understand why middle class America supports Republicans. If you are wealthy, I can completely understand why you would...but it just baffles me that middle class, blue collar workers get swayed into being Republicans. :rolleyes:

Edited by JYD
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It actually reduces the deficit


Key White House allies are dramatically shifting their attempts to defend health care legislation, abandoning claims that it will reduce costs and the deficit and instead stressing a promise to "improve it."




Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0810/41271.html#ixzz14BhQWgpu

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House Democratic leaders unveiled the final changes to the overhaul, which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated would expand coverage at a cost of $940 billion over 10 years and cut the deficit by $138 billion in the same period through new fees, taxes and cost-saving measures.



Despite an official estimate by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to the contrary, some critics of the new health reform legislation — such as Rep. Paul Ryan and former CBO director and McCain campaign adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin — charge that it will not reduce federal budget deficits because it relies on budgetary gimmicks or games.[1] Careful analysis of these charges shows them to be misleading or inaccurate. They do not withstand scrutiny.


CBO estimates the legislation will reduce the deficit by $143 billion over the ten years from 2010 through 2019. [2] In the following decade, 2020 through 2029, it estimates that the legislation will reduce the deficit by an estimated one-half of 1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or about $1.3 trillion. CBO also anticipates that health reform “would probably continue to reduce budget deficits relative to those under current law in subsequent decades, assuming that all of its provisions continue to be fully implemented.”


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LOL oh lord I don't like living in such a Red state.


Did you vote today Dash, or early voting?


I thought we were slowly sliding over to blue after Obama nearly took Texas. Guess not.


Nope, I'm in the same boat as JYD. I completely forgot to send in registration and when I did it was too late. If I did I would have voted Rick Perry (nearly went White) and a Democratic sweep in the House.

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Look at the dates of the articles. The Dems completely backed off the stance that it will lower the deficit.


This will be a real interesting time though. Can Obama do what Clinton did and move more toward the center and actually work with the new GOP House?

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Look at the dates of the articles. The Dems completely backed off the stance that it will lower the deficit.


This will be a real interesting time though. Can Obama do what Clinton did and move more toward the center and actually work with the new GOP House?

Well I just saw two interviews with Obama and he said that the Health Care bill will reduce the deficit. I guess he's just lying.

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