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Are you metrosexual?


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Usually what I do with shirts before I go out is choose like 5 that I like the best and try em on and then decide which one I like the best Process of elimination I guess lol.


I wear sunglasses during the day when its sunny, use nice cologne but I won't ever wearing a pair of [expletive]ing skinny jeans. That's the one look I won't touch.


I start whatever look though from the bottom up. Shoes is the most important thing, then I decide whether I wanna wear jeans or cargos..and then you go to the shirt, watch/bracelet, etc..


Am I metrosexual? I guess you could say that, but I don't look at it as a bad thing to be honest.


At the end of the day though, none of it matters if you aren't getting any.




oh lawdy.

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Nike for most everything, and some Jordan gear. I really don't care...dress to play ball. If you see me at a party, grocery store, or at the doctor's office, it doesn't matter...I wear basketball shorts under sweats, have shoes with me when I'm wearing my Jordan sandals, wife beats under my shirts just in case I get hot. I'll wear cologne and fix the hair, but I don't take two hours to get ready. Middle finger to any chicks that don't like it.

Definition of Swag.

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I usually wear a zip hoodie (whether it's my black Motley Crue one or my black and red Blazers one) and a pair of basketball shorts and my Adidas shoes. If I'm gonna be wearing pants, I'll have my basketball shorts under in case one of my friends wants to go play ball, I'm already ready, lol.


Sometimes I'll wear a hat but rarely do I do that anymore since all the ones I have are beat up and worn out.

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I wear really basic shit...plain white tees (or cotton T-shirts with cool designs like my 2Pac/Big L/Joker shirts), basketball shorts or baggy jeans, and a pair of beaten-up Jordan 12's that don't really match any of my clothing. I shave my head and keep a neatly trimmed beard. If I have a fitted, I wear that backwards because I have a light-bulb shaped head which I prefer to cover-up.


If a bitch don't like it, I don't care because they'll [expletive] me whether they give me the consent or not.

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for me, love wearing bball shorts (only in spring/summer of course).. with tees, other days usually just a shirt and jeans.. I don't know what everyones definition of "skinny" jeans are, I have a pair that could be considered slim fit.. but there not really skin tight jeans or anything. shoes.. doesnt matter to me.

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