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Woj: Lakers close to sending Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom for Chris Paul


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my biggest issue with this no trade is that it will probably cause issues in the locker room. imagine lamar and pau coming back for training camp... that would be [expletive]ing awkward


as for the trade itself, yes i was very excited when it was initially announced, but gasol and odom are two very solid bigs, and im pretty positive gasol's on the track to bounce back after his great performances with spain. obviously "chris paul" is going to create excitement in LA, but if you really break us down, it'll leave us depleted up front. if our only deal this offseason was to trade for chris paul, and then fill in the forward spot through random trades/free agency, i honestly don't think we'd be any better than we were last year. so there's speculation that we were also going to make a trade for dwight, which is still very possible with bynum being the center piece.


we can still have a core of dwight/kobe/gasol/odom, which IMO is on par or even better than dwight/kobe/paul. now the biggest issue is, of course, how this will effect the locker room, which is why i think this cancellation is totally BS.


bottom line, in my opinion, trading for chris paul is only good for us if we had a trade lined up for dwight. if not, i think the trade actually made us worse, since bynum will probably miss his annual 50 games. that being said, if we had a deal lined up for dwight, we can still make that deal, while keeping gasol/dom, which IMO makes us stronger. this of course, not dealing with chemistry

Edited by The Artesticle
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Odom definitely sounded quite emotional in the interview, I wonder what the impact of this vetoed/cancelled trade will be for all the teams involved. For the sake of the franchises and ignoring the fact that this is another small-market star going to a large market, this trade has to go through.


But Lakers fans, how are you guys going to get Dwight with Bynum alone?

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What the hell. I go to work hearing all this rumors, see the Chris Paul deal on my break, and then I come home to this? Hearing that management was going to trade Pau and Lamar will obliterate their confidence, how the hell are we supposed to get them to play well again if we end up keeping them?

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This sucks for Chris Paul. He took to twitter to show his thoughts about the deal. Basically telling New Orleans he does not want to play for them. Can't see the Hornets fans liking him at all if he is still with them this season.

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Chris Paul seems like such a whiny baby.


Is there such thing as a player who can simply play out his contract without crying about it and begging to play with more "elite" players?


Live out your freaking contract for the team that signed you. You don't deserve the final year of your contract when all you do is moan about this.


He isn't doing it in public, but with all these rumors, he must be doing something. If he was loyal to the Hornets, he would shut his mouth and play hard for them this year. Then he would earn the right to free agency.

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Chris Paul seems like such a whiny baby.


Is there such thing as a player who can simply play out his contract without crying about it and begging to play with more "elite" players?


Live out your freaking contract for the team that signed you. You don't deserve the final year of your contract when all you do is moan about this.


He isn't doing it in public, but with all these rumors, he must be doing something. If he was loyal to the Hornets, he would shut his mouth and play hard for them this year. Then he would earn the right to free agency.

funny that you'd be upset about this when if LeBron had just told the Cavs that he wasn't going to resign, they could have actually GOT something :lol:

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Here's what I'm getting out of this.


The league is in the process of selling the Hornets. Payroll and marketability are two factors that determine the sale of a team. This deal would essentially send away a superstar in Chris Paul, and add 30 million to the payroll this year, and 21 million next year in mid-tier, low marketable players.


Who's going to buy that team? The trade would increase the cost of ownership, and decrease the likelihood of profitability.


If Chris Paul files a grievance, he would lose. I believe Stern has enough justification to invalidate the trade.

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Here's what I'm getting out of this.


The league is in the process of selling the Hornets. Payroll and marketability are two factors that determine the sale of a team. This deal would essentially send away a superstar in Chris Paul, and add 30 million to the payroll this year, and 21 million next year in mid-tier, low marketable players.


Who's going to buy that team? The trade would increase the cost of ownership, and decrease the likelihood of profitability.


If Chris Paul files a grievance, he would lose. I believe Stern has enough justification to invalidate the trade.

except it's collusion, so CP3 does have a claim

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