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Report: Raiders want to fire coach Tom Cable


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Report: Raiders want to fire coach Tom Cable

Yahoo's Jason Cole reports that Raiders owner Al Davis is hoping to fire head coach Tom Cable at season's end. Citing a "source familiar" with ex-assistant Randy Hanson's case against Cable stemming from a training camp fight, Cole says the Raiders are cooperating with the NFL so that Cable can be fired for cause. Davis would then be off the hook for Cable's remaining salary. The league is exploring whether to force Cable into psychological evaluation and counseling for his history of (alleged) physical abuse against Hanson and women.



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I wonder if Holgren or Shanahan are interested in the job?

I doubt it man, that place is a hell hole right now. Lane Kiffin came out of there and is going to have an elite team in Tenn. soon and his recruiting skills are unthinkable.


Someone they should look into getting is someone out of college that just wants to make it big time. Because they have no clue what they are getting themselves into. That team has no quarterback, the run game is led by Justin Fargas and they have no defense.


I doubt any coach of this era with a few exceptions would be able to go there and turn that team around, especially with Davis in charge.

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The Raiders need to bring back Coach Gruden.

I second that.


And Shanahan will never be associated with Al Davis again. That ran its course and blew up.


Gruden would've already sat Russell, and he'd be calling his own plays, no matter what Davis wanted.

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I second that.


And Shanahan will never be associated with Al Davis again. That ran its course and blew up.


Gruden would've already sat Russell, and he'd be calling his own plays, no matter what Davis wanted.


That's good advice.


But if the Raiders somehow miraculously turn around this season, will he still be fired?

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The Raiders were pretty decent back in the early 2000s. What happened?


Yep, 3 division titles and a Super Bowl appearance.


Since they lost the Super Bowl, and since Gannon suffered a career-ending injury, things have only gone downhill.

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The team's football IQ and Al Davis' age are polar opposites, and continue to strongly oppose each other every season.


Thing is, I'm starting to think that, because of this accurate observation, Al Davis' birthdays come ten times a year.

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