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Everything posted by Mentch

  1. EDIT: Fixed the numbers, everything should read properly now
  2. We all know what happened to him, and I'm sure everyone has wondered this question at one point in time or another. Well he was actually a player in a sim league that I'm in, so I tracked his career from 1986-1996 and here's what I found: http://i.imgur.com/oUZKk.png Career Accomplishments: - 5x All Star (1987, 1992-1994, 1996) - 3x All League 3rd Team (1986, 1988, 1991) - All League 2nd Team (1987) - All-Rookie 1st Team (1986) In this league, Bias was actually drafted at #2 overall by the New York Knicks and has remained there his entire career. He started off on a great note, and easily looked like he could be the successor to Larry Bird. However, his play kinda leveled off from there, his inside game developed really well but his outside game never really did. Notice how he has never averaged less than 4 assists per game though. He has exceptional handling abilities for a player of his size and was able to make contributions on defense and rebounding as well. He never averaged less than 7 rpg and was a really well-rounded player Is this what you would have expected from Bias' career? If not, do you think he would have been better or worse than his career that he was in this sim league? I feel like this is an accurate representation of him, a good all-around player but one that doesnt really stand out in any aspects and wouldnt necessarily be a Hall of Famer
  3. Look at this new page on Josh Smith and let me know if anything seems off LOL http://i.imgur.com/eluES.png
  4. I think it should go to Mo Williams, the guy is having a great year off the bench and would be a solid starter on just about any other team
  5. Ahahahahahaha he was so late on that flop
  6. Oh yeah Deion Sanders did the same thing when he came back!
  7. Honestly the only people who should worry about abortion are the people who have to make the decision themselves. Pro-choice is the way to go
  8. The Jets just love acquiring bad QBs dont they
  9. I can understand why Williams was suspended indefinitely, because he ran the program, but why suspend Sean Payton? He had nothing to do with it, he just didnt inform the league when he knew about it. I dont see why everyone frowns upon not turning people in, maybe the guy just doesnt want to be a snitch damn
  10. No I wanted him to go to either Miami or the 49ers
  11. They've really surprised me as of lately, I didnt think they had a shot at making the playoffs. I thought if there was going to be a team that came out of nowhere and surprised everyone, it would be the Wolves, which to their credit they've done so far, but Phoenix is actually close to grabbing the #8 seed. I think they'll fall short in the end though, theyre still a young team (outside of Nash and Hill) that is in transition mode and they'll have stretches where they play great and stretches where they play horrible
  12. This would be a great game if it wasnt for the fact that these are 2 small market teams
  13. Just a week ago everyone was saying how he was going to the Lakers
  14. If that shot had cost them the game, Rondo would have never heard the end of it
  15. Combination of Melo and ESPN. But I hate to say this as a Knicks fan, but I really think the team might have been better off without Melo. I'm not saying to trade him right now, but they should look into what they could get for him
  16. The Sonics made the franchise colors and uniforms and name available to any future franchise when they moved out of OKC, it would be a shame if a team moved to Seattle and didnt take on the Sonics trademark
  17. Penny has a case too, but he was healthy for most of his time in Phoenix, he just didnt play well alongside Stephon Marbury
  18. Easily Grant Hill, he was considered the successor to Michael Jordan in leading in a new era of basketball. If he had stayed healthy in Orlando him and T-Mac would have torn it up
  19. Full Story Well, its official. We all knew it was coming sooner or later, and now Indy is set to draft Andrew Luck What team do you think Peyton should go to? I think he should go to Miami, if he goes there they'll easily be set to compete for a championship
  20. Damn I had that a long time ago I remember it was really good!
  21. I was just at Carl's Jr today, I had the Double Western BBQ Burger combo. Not too bad for a $7 meal
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