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Everything posted by JWaLL

  1. Well it's a strange time to be arguing this considering we are in the offseason and most of the big moves have already occured. Not much we can do now until the season starts.
  2. Damn... can't wait. From the interview I heard they have the rights to all the important players, like Stockton, Malone, etc.
  3. A second is a huge difference in a sprint dude... lol
  4. What's the point of this thread lol
  5. I don't think you have to stay the whole time lol. I only stayed a few hours the first day and probably an hour at most the second day.
  6. Bean Burrito (Gyula) so that everyone gets excited when I show my face once in a blue moon.
  7. If you could only do one, the draft. You have young players with high ceilings who can learn to play with each other over a long period of time. Look at the Thunder, their future is more than promising. Signing one or 2 big name free agents doesn't guarantee anything.
  8. Lol I'm not sure if I've even done that many in a day before. I'm not stalking man chill out lol. I'm glad you like it here.
  9. I believe it was a 26 or 27, but I didn't submit it since I was satisfied with my SAT.
  10. Yeah I think one of the NBA Street games had him in it too. He was just unstoppable it was a joke lol.
  11. I went in cold for the ACT, but there are study books for it. I'd recommend taking a look at one since you will be submitting the ACT over the SAT.
  12. Woah calm down I wasn't insulting you I was just asking LOL...
  13. What was your SAT score? IMO the ACT is a little easier, but not by much. Make sure you know your math.
  14. Easily one of the greatest game winners I ever saw live. I thought Yao ended it... but when Roy knocked that shot down, damn it was just unreal. It's definitely up there with Fisher's game winner against the Spurs.
  15. You're averaging 55.21 posts per day... lol good job?
  16. The only concern for their chemistry to work on the court is if Gilbert ACTUALLY accepts the secondary role to Wall. Something tells me that no matter how many times he may tell the media in the future that he is fine with not being the leader anymore, something in his head is going to make him act like the leader on the court and take away from Wall's game. It's hard to accept a lesser role after being the face of a franchise for multiple years, especially when you have to lessen your role for a rookie.
  17. I'll be on at random times of the day, hit me up when you're on I'm the Thunder.
  18. Here is an official Jordan trailer from 2ksports:
  19. Matt is xx. But it gets confusing because my name is Matt too so I always feel like I'm the one getting the warnings.
  20. Lol why are you a fan of 4 teams?
  21. Thank you... it's about time. Now we can all finally move past the argument that never should have happened.
  22. Posting PMs, you are definitely proving your maturity.
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