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Everything posted by headliner

  1. The Cavs still have a competitive team but that team was built around James and now that he is gone they need to rebuild the team.
  2. The defensive issue hasn’t changed from last season and I’m now looking at Jay
  3. Well right now the Pistons look like a much better team then the Raptors
  4. This proposal just undo’s what the league got form the last CBA and I don’t see the league take 2 steps back when they took a step forward to get what they got in the last CBA.
  5. The NBA would not be able to withstand a lockout at this point a lot of teams that are weak finically would go under and we all know the league doesn’t want to see these teams fail. I just think both side really need to pick and choose what they are fighting for because if it turn into a lockout is not going to be good for the players the league and most importantly the fans.
  6. Bayless didn't do a good job in last night's game. It was a disappointing game for him.
  7. The Raptors are playing so bad right now I can't take it anymore
  8. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if they score that much
  9. Dirk is playing like an MVP show him some love here.
  10. I'll be surprised if Alabi gets a chance to play tonight.
  11. I love what the Spurs are doing right now but when April comes I see the Lakers on top of the western conference. I get that the Lakers are not playing their best basketball right now but I'm pretty sure they will turn it to a high gear and finish the season out well.
  12. New York got Washington well it's most likely be 7 in a row
  13. Kleiza did play well in preseason but that’s beside the point. Now it’s the regular season and he is the most selfish player on the team plus I think he is a waste of a roster spot. He looks for his first before passing the ball and misses a lot of easy shots. He may have been successful in Europe but that doesn’t mean everyone’s game can translate into the NBA game.
  14. Maybe it's just me but I don't understand clearly as to what Omer Asik is saying.
  15. Andre did what he had to do no way a veteran can let a rookie bully him around.
  16. JaVale is crazy athletic and he has some crazy dunks for a guy his size just love to see him play.
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