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Erick Blasco

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Everything posted by Erick Blasco

  1. That diet Mountain Dew commercial was great! Agree? Disagree? Yeah, with the quality of this game, that's what I'm resorted to talking about.
  2. Two of Young's three rebounds dropped into his hand while he was standing under the hoop. Mark Jackson: "Young working harder than anybody on the floor." Umm, nope.
  3. Because they're an inferior team to Chicago?
  4. Indiana's inability to stop Rose's penetrations have cost them. Now they're down by three. And where's their ball movement?
  5. And Barry drooling aside, how talented is Rose?
  6. Hibbert has to get over there in time. He can't drift into Rose. That's an easy block call.
  7. Great vision by Rose to make an extremely difficult pass. Here we go!
  8. My goodness, Hanbrough has worked on his jumper a ton. He didn't have that in college.
  9. The Pacers will miss their jumpers eventually right? And why is Hansbrough in the game? He just suffered a concussion.
  10. Good rotation by Granger to deflect the interior pass.
  11. Foster and McRoberts have badly outplayed Boozer tonight.
  12. If Hansbrough has a concussion he shouldn't be allowed back in at all.
  13. I'm more concerned with him standing still for five seconds and launching a contested three than the mechanics of the shot. He's improved his three-point shooting enough this year.
  14. Hansbrough has a concussion. Thats a huge loss for the Pacers.
  15. About time someone on the Bulls made a full perimeter rotation.
  16. On the plus side for Chicago, all of Indiana's offense is coming off jumpers. They're not getting into the paint anymore.
  17. That was a plus-one that wasn't called. Deng was grabbed.
  18. Good pass by Thomas. He's done his job better than anybody on the Bulls today.
  19. When was the last time Carlos Boozer played well in a playoff game?
  20. Oh, of course. He's awful.Not every announcer is the same. You have play-by-play guys, analysts, and pom-pom wavers.
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