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The Great iBoldin

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Everything posted by The Great iBoldin

  1. Oh my lanta. I guess I can kiss life goodbye.
  2. If you didn't like the pick, you could've either pre-ranked your players on Yahoo, or create a simple list and give it to Confidence, it would of taken you 2 minutes and you wouldn't be [expletive]ing right now about getting a perfectly fine player in Vincent Jackson and then again in Dallas Clark. You already were on thin ice for deliberately delaying your selection and making jokes about it.
  3. I could see St. Louis. Billy Devaney was the one who brought Mike Vick to Atlanta in the first place. He kept him relatively in check and Vick has said that the two have a healthy relationship. Plus we all know St. Louis is a bottom feeder in the league and could definitely use some publicity (negative or positive) to help them re-gain some money and image back. I think teams will sit on him for the first few weeks of the season, until everything has died down a bit, though.
  4. Eh, don't think it would be much of a big deal come playoff time. A 6'10" Okafor playing center alongside a 6'9" David West? San Antonio, Los Angeles and even Dallas would all have fun with that low-court tandem, I think. Not sure why either would do it. Charlotte is getting raped from a talent perspective, Okafor can still bang the boards and is decent enough on the offensive side. New Orleans is committing to much money to a guy who's best talents lie on the defensive end of the floor, and where he's undersized at the 5. Just doesn't make much sense.
  5. You can bump when Seattle is 3rd in the division and on par with hapless St. Louis Rams. The only thing you can take pride in is a young linebacking core.
  6. Send a list in so it doesn't happen then.
  7. It's definitely different then NCAA, so it's a little weird in that state. Some of the buttons are different on Madden. The players are bigger, and the gameplay is definitely slower then recent years, and NCAA. That being said, I thought it was sick. Presentation is a big + for me, I really like it when video games have that sleek but professional look, and both Madden and NCAA have that. They've worked hard to incorporate real companies, especially Snickers, and that's cool. I really like the playbooks, they did something different in that regard too. However, I think some things need to be fixed. The DL still penetrates way way way too easily, and I couldn't run Jacobs between the tackles often. He's too slow to catch the corner too. I think I had like 5 carries for 9 yards. Pretty ridiculous for that too happen, not even 2 YPC. The DL also has an impeccable pass rush from the edge. Eli got sacked twice alone by Ware in the four minutes, which is way too slow for a demo, and I think that's why I think it lacks. No flow or ability to get into the game, which makes it kind of pointless to play much. I can't wait for the actual game to come out though, Dynasty is going to be amazing.
  8. I believe Washington has come out and said that they aren't moving Adam Dunn. And I don't think San Diego is going to part with Adrian Gonzalez. I'm pretty sure Boston is content with LaRoche, but I could be wrong.
  9. Yeah, I know. Everyone and there mother knows that. It doesn't mean he is going to be dealt. Hundreds of players in all professional sports have been "shopped" around to other teams. Most of the time it's just to see what the market value is. I still have an inkling suspicion that Riccardi doesn't "find what he likes" and keeps Halladay. That would anger me, even though I'm a big Doc fan. He needs to do whats best for the club, and finishing third or fourth for the last 15 years isn't what most fans have in mind. In this division, you need about 3 great pitchers, a great bullpen and consistent hitting. Last year we had some great pitching (Halladay, McGowan, Marcum, etc.) and no hitting. This year we have consistent hitting, but the pitching isn't quite there, due to injuries and youth. It's an FML situation for Blue Jays fans.
  10. ESPN is by far the best for me. It's presentable, it looks sleek and professional and the projections I feel are much better then Yahoo. I've only done 1 CBS league, and it's been alright.
  11. I've concluded I have no idea what you're talking about. Haha, probably - you couldn't go wrong with either, of course.
  12. Again, you don't know Riccardi. He's the single handily the worst GM in all of baseball. If anyone could find a way to mess this situation up and not trade him, it's JP.
  13. That doesn't happen when you have J.P. Riccardi as your GM. He's already said he's not going to trade Roy unless he's "Wow'd" by an offer. Which just sucks for Jays fans, we've needed to rebuild for about 5 years.
  14. Seattle's not going to win the division. Arizona and San Francisco will both just have some fun throwing the ball all day, and seeing the Seahawks fail at trying to stop it. It's that simple. Houshmanzadeh's lost a step, from what I've seen of the Bengals. He's a crafty inside route runner who will have between 60-70 catches. That doesn't make a team win the division. Although I think Seattle is a little underrated.
  15. Yessir, I have for 10 years. Although I play box most of the time up here, field is hard because of the conditions up here. I should be drafted into Junior A next year, so that's pretty exciting, it's just one step below Professional lacrosse. Do you play?
  16. Sorry, I was out all day at a lacrosse tournament. Jonathan Stewart.
  17. Try Baylor's. They have the flexbone (Georgia Tech, Air Force, etc.), a pro style set and a little bit of shotgun. Seems decent from what I've seen, plus Jabu Lovelace is much like Robert Griffin III.
  18. This is a good list I think, I could have some qualms about Rondo over Rose, but it's nothing major. One thing on your articles, though, is to space them out a little bit, so they don't look like one gigantic paragraph, that's what I've learned from Bleacher Report editors, they say it's much more presentable and sleek. Something like this;
  19. GTFO. Ughh, I'll take whatever anyone else doesn't want. I can build with whatever. But for now put me down as the Bills. My AIM is Boldinnnn.
  20. I just played my first game online, it's amazing. I had such a wicked game too. I was playing as Notre Dame (yeah, I know, I know) and was on the road against Iowa. He started off on a first drive field goal, nothing much was going on till about the fourth quarter, when the score was 13-6 for Iowa. My running game had been dominating all game (Armando Allen was 6 rushes for 37 yards before he got injured) but Hughes had come in and I had no trouble adjusting, he was about 15 for 95 at that point. I threw 2 ints. in the fourth quarter, but still down 13-6 with 1:50 or so to go. I charge down there and score with about :50 secs on the clock, he went three and out, I had the ball and was at the 28 when I took my final timeout, easy field goal for the win? No. Fail. 45 yarder missed short, so we went into OT. He had the ball first and was at the 23 and missed wide left, and I had 6 running plays for the 19-13 win. What a game to start haha. Hughes went 22-137 with two touchdowns. ND's actually not that bad.
  21. You took my quote out of context. Individually, I meant the best players of Boston are better then the best players of Colorado is what I meant. The Red Sox play in the most competitive division in baseball, that would explain the wins. They would be by far the best team in baseball, it wouldn't even be funny. Look at some of the teams you played in that stretch. Washington, Houston, Pittsburgh, Oakland, San Diego, Arizona, average teams in Milwaukee, Atlanta, Seattle, etc. Good teams they played in this stretch? St. Louis, Tampa Bay, LA Angels, and the Dodgers. In this stretch? 8-6. Cool, that's fairly average. Not to discount the team, because they've played well, but it's not going to continue, and every single non homer Rockie fan is going to tell you that Colorado is no where near the same level as Beantown. You're just making yourself look foolish.
  22. Because stats don't tell half the tale between these teams. Individually and as a team, the Red Sox are miles and miles away from Colorado.
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