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Post your LeBron odds

Guest STL10

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The Bulls have reportedly attempted to jump back into the LeBron sweepstakes at the last minute with a five-year deal worth between $115 and $120 million, with a deadline of Thursday afternoon to accept the deal.


It's interesting that the Bulls are making desparate offers at the last moment, even after it appears that LeBron wasn't interested in their initial offer or the idea of playing with a young, unproven, and perhaps overrated squad. Signing James would immediately make the Bulls a contender in the East, giving them a chance to compete with teams like the Celtics, the Magic, and the Heat. The question remains: will LeBron and Rose be enough to overcome Wade and Bosh, or will LeBron realize his only chance at a guaranteed trip to the Finals would be to team up with former NBA Finals MVP Dwayne Wade down in Miami? Jul. 8 - 2:47 pm et


Source: Dewey Mykaukus on Twitter

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It's basically come down to three choices IMO.


Cleveland, where his heart is.


Miami, where a dynasty is.


New York, where the money is.



The choice will be entirely based on his personality. I think he'd rather be recognized as the most payed athlete of all time, which is what he'll get by going to NY. The amount of money he'll gain from endorsements and whatnot is significantly higher than what he'd get anywhere else. He could potentially earn more then $2 Billion by the end of his career there.


His ego is too big to play with a superstar like Wade, and Cleveland just isn't a big enough market. Plus the Cavs aren't in position to get any better as a team, and in 7 years they haven't proven they can put the right pieces around LeBron. They couldn't even find a legitimate second option, like he could gain in Rose or Amar'e.


The Nets are eliminated since while he'll make money there when they move to Brooklyn in a couple years, he'll make more by just going to NY now. Plus the Nets were the worst team in the league last year, and it's going to take time for that team to build into legitimate contenders.


Same thing with Chicago. They are a high market, but NY is higher. Plus, I think he'd rather not try to rival a more powerful legacy in Michael Jordan.



Bottom line, he's going to New York.


It turns out I was wrong. He valued winning more than he valued money, and he doesn't value the spotlight as much as I believed he would. Perhaps he's changed, or maybe Riley or Wade or someone in his family found the right button to push to convince him that Miami is the right choice.


Either way, I guess I have no right to complain about it, haha. South Florida owes Bron a HUGE thank you.

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Lol, I won't lie. I thought the whole ttime he was ours, I knew because of the house and party. Then you and Flash started doubting it and I was like, WTF. So then I started thinking he would go to the Cavs, but in the back of my mind I knew he would be here because of all the rumors.

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