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Nets not willing to trade Brook for Melo


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According to one report, the Nets are not willing to include Brook Lopez in an attempt to trade for Carmelo Anthony. But New Jersey's offer of Devin Harris, Derek Favors and draft picks may still give the Nuggets the best pieces in return for Anthony.


No mention is made of whether Anthony would agree to sign an extension with the Nets or the other interested teams as part of a trade out of Denver. Anthony's long-term commitment figures to be a prerequisite before teams offer the Nuggets quality assets in a deal.


The Nuggets have had discussions with the Bulls that center around Luol Deng and Taj Gibson.


The Warriors may offer Stephen Curry, Andris Biedrins and draft picks but are not sure that they will make Curry available.


The Clippers are called a long shot with Chris Kaman and Eric Gordon the likely two targets whom Denver would look to acquire.


Read more: http://realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/68921/20100831/nets_unwilling_to_offer_lopez_for_melo_as_denver_hears_trade_offers/#ixzz0yCrQnnZK

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Nets would not trade that if Melo wasn't extended and I doubt any NBA team will give up any good value if he won't resign either.


My offer would be Terrence Williams, Damion James along with the Nets and Golden State's first round pick. Denver has not much leverage and those draft picks could easily be worth a lot right now since we sucked so much last year. What's the point of destroying the roster because you trade for Melo to win now.


We kinda screwed ourselves by getting so close to salary cap because we cannot trade just young guys for him. Maybe if there was a way to work Billups into it so our starting point gaurd wouldn't be Jordan Farmar or even trade Murphy when he's tradable in a package for Kenyon and Melo.


I highly doubt we move Devin so close to the season with his relationship to Avery and really that's the only way we can swing a deal to fit Melo in.

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^What do you mean we don't have much leverage?


You understand he really wants that extension right? Because if he doesn't sign that extension, he'll have to sign considerably lower salary under new CBA.



The way we Nuggets exercise that leverage is by letting him walk, and that means we lose, but Melo also loses and he certainly doesn't want to lose.



The leverage that we have is: we know that he will sign that extension sooner or later. But the only way we give him that extension is if he chooses to stay with the Nuggets or we trade him to the team that can give us the most value... and that team is the Nets, which just happen to be on his list.


It's either a lose-lose situation or a win-win situation... it's an easy choice.



And I guarantee Nuggets will reject your offer of Williams, James, and some picks. It is basically a package that Cavs and Raptors got in return for James and Bosh... but they had no leverage. We do. Nets know we have some leverage unlike Cavs and Raptors... that's why their offer started off really good with Devin Harris and Derrick Favors.



I do think we'll trade him to the Nets... I think Nuggets really like that offer (Favors and Harris) but are just trying to get more.

Edited by Snake
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Brook is definitly a great player and he's going to improve A LOT. Will become one of the best center in the league... but if I was the Nets, I think I would take that risk to get Melo. Carmelo is a top 5 player in the league, a leader and an amazing scorer with amazing offensive abilities to score the basketball.

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^What do you mean we don't have much leverage?


You understand he really wants that extension right? Because if he doesn't sign that extension, he'll have to sign considerably lower salary under new CBA.



The way we Nuggets exercise that leverage is by letting him walk, and that means we lose, but Melo also loses and he certainly doesn't want to lose.



The leverage that we have is: we know that he will sign that extension sooner or later. But the only way we give him that extension is if he chooses to stay with the Nuggets or we trade him to the team that can give us the most value... and that team is the Nets, which just happen to be on his list.


It's either a lose-lose situation or a win-win situation... it's an easy choice.



And I guarantee Nuggets will reject your offer of Williams, James, and some picks. It is basically a package that Cavs and Raptors got in return for James and Bosh... but they had no leverage. We do. Nets know we have some leverage unlike Cavs and Raptors... that's why their offer started off really good with Devin Harris and Derrick Favors.



I do think we'll trade him to the Nets... I think Nuggets really like that offer (Favors and Harris) but are just trying to get more.

It's not really a lose-lose situation when one is losing a couple million and signing where you please compared to losing a top ten player,


Why would any team give the full value when they know if he truly wants to be there, they can wait one full NBA season?

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^What do you mean we don't have much leverage?


You understand he really wants that extension right? Because if he doesn't sign that extension, he'll have to sign considerably lower salary under new CBA.



The way we Nuggets exercise that leverage is by letting him walk, and that means we lose, but Melo also loses and he certainly doesn't want to lose.



The leverage that we have is: we know that he will sign that extension sooner or later. But the only way we give him that extension is if he chooses to stay with the Nuggets or we trade him to the team that can give us the most value... and that team is the Nets, which just happen to be on his list.


It's either a lose-lose situation or a win-win situation... it's an easy choice.



And I guarantee Nuggets will reject your offer of Williams, James, and some picks. It is basically a package that Cavs and Raptors got in return for James and Bosh... but they had no leverage. We do. Nets know we have some leverage unlike Cavs and Raptors... that's why their offer started off really good with Devin Harris and Derrick Favors.



I do think we'll trade him to the Nets... I think Nuggets really like that offer (Favors and Harris) but are just trying to get more.


What the hell are you talking about? That made no sense at all.


Melo wants out. Every NBA GM knows that.


Put those two factors together, and you have no leverage.

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It's not really a lose-lose situation when one is losing a couple million and signing where you please compared to losing a top ten player,

New contracts (the player salaries) could drop 25-30% after July 1st (new CBA), and that's more than a couple million. Say Melo signs an extension right now, six years (max years for extensions, including current season of contract) and...$110 million.


If player salaries decrease and restrictions are added, those contracts could be maximized at just five years, and the max player salary would drop as well. Five years, $87 million? Now take 30% of that ($26 million) and drop it from the table.


Instead of a six-year, $110 million contract (similar to LeBron and Wade's deals), Melo gets a five-year, $61 million deal...if he waits and becomes a free agent and the new CBA decreases salaries (which is likely).


There's a reason why Melo wants out of Denver so quickly. He wants a new team, so he can sign that extension and not be locked up. Otherwise, he would just wait until July and keep his mouth shut.

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^What Real said...


New CBA could drop by that much and 25-30% drop isn't little. If he signs that extension that means his salary would be $20+ mil per... 25% of it is $5-6 mil PER SEASON. A normal six year contract means = $30-35 million less.


And Melo isn't LeBron who could say, "$5-6 mil less every season is aight... I got tons of commercials to make up for it..." LeBron or Kobe can say these because they got tons of commercials and could be argued the collective incomes they get from their commercials actually EXCEED their NBA salary as a player... but Melo's commercials are not that many and those do not generate significant income for him to afford to do this.



We're in unique situation where we have leverage with the new CBA thing... without which we would have no leverage at all. Otherwise we would have been screwed like Raps and Cavs :P

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That doesn't change what other teams can offer for him though. Just because Melo is in a rush to get out, doesn't mean other teams have to put in everything to get him since like you stated above, it would be cheaper to sign Carmelo in the offseason which means Nuggets will have to take what's on the table or just let him walk.


Denvers leverage is on Carmelo to stay, not on other teams.

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Bigger picture for Denver: they are losing him anyway. The longer they keep him, the less patience he has.


Denver shows their leverage by keeping him until the deadline, and Melo breaks and tells the Nuggets he wants dealt to ANY team.


OR, they can keep him PAST the deadline, and force him to sign the extension before he becomes a free agent, and agree that, if he does, they will sign and trade him to any team he wishes (which gives Denver much, much more in a trade).


Today, or in February, Melo doesn't have to have a say in where he goes. There are teams that want him right now, no extension necessary, so Denver could just opt to deal him for what they want (expirings and picks) and move on, even if it's to a team Melo does not want to be on.


In Melo's world, he gets traded to the Knicks today, and then he signs his extension immediately after. Gets his team, gets his money.


Denver holds those cards. If Melo was looking forward to free agency, he would be willing to play for his team this season, but he knows what's on the line. Anthony is crossing his fingers and hoping the Nuggets give him the chance to go East, to the Knicks or Nets, because at the end of the day, ANY trade is up to Denver, and it's Melo that wants traded.

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If the CBA drastically drops salaries you can expect all current salaries to be rolled back as well, just like they were in the NHL. People thinking that signing a 5 year deal now ensures them more money in the long run are fooling themselves, all they are getting is security of the 5 years, the money they are signing for won't be the same if the CBA is rolled back as much as suggested in this thread. You can also expect prime buyout rates to be given if the owners get what they want. In the end I really doubt the cap is affected that much.


Nuggets have absolutely no leverage right now, the CBA is irrelevant and I doubt Melo is even thinking about it.

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^When you have NBA experts and highly trusted sources like Stein, Bucher, Wojnarowski, and basically everybody who gets paid to report NBA stuff, saying there'd be a significant drop in salaries, one that is the major reason for the inevitable lockout... you know that it's real. Players aside those who have just signed their new contracts or re-upped like LeBron, Bosh and Wade won't have to worry for the next 6 years because they're covered. Current salaries will not be affected... they're called "contract" for a reason. The ones will be affected are those like Melo who will have to sign under the new CBA (unless he signs the extension before his contract for the 2010-11 season is over).


The next CBA is speculated to drop players' salaries so much, it's the main reason why there will be a lockout in the first place.



It's hard to see Melo not blink when we play hardball on him... he wants that extension. We know it. If we say, "okay Melo we'll let you walk next summer without getting any in return."... Melo will not want it to happen... because although he's free to choose his team, the salary will be significantly much lower. I don't understand why you don't see this?


The only reason I see why the Nuggets blink first is if Melo says, "yeah screw the extension, I'll opt out next summer, sign with any team, you get nothing in return."... but we know it won't happen because he'll have to sacrifice about $5-6 mil PER SEASON to do that, and about $30-35 millions if we're talking about a 6 year contract... Melo canNOT afford to do that. $30-35 million is a significant chunk of his current networth because he is not a marketing giant like LeBron or Kobe, who each (should) aim to be a billionaire. Melo's goal realistically is to be a QUARTER billionaire... Melo's chance of hardballing us is like a poker player with bad cards and everyone in the room knows he has bad cards and he's still trying to bluff. He'll lose everytime and this is no exception.


When you have one billions in your bank account, you can say, "$30-35 million is aight, it's pocket change... I can live with $30-35 mil less, my aim is to hit $1 bil mark when my basketball career is over... my endorsements, and businesses will generate $30-35 mil in less than one year"... but, not so much when your realistic goal is only 1/4 billion and you're relying heavily on your NBA salary vs. incomes out of it such as endorsements and personal assets/ businesses.


In other words, we do know Melo depends his total networth heavily on his NBA salary as a player... and he can't afford to take paycut, not when he's in his prime and it's his ONLY life-time opportunity to get the max because soon he'll be 30 and owners will think twice about giving him max again... And I haven't even mentioned possible injuries... we know how great players like T-Mac and Francis suddenly reduced to nothing because of injuries. Without injuries, T-Mac would probably still score 30 ppg and be on a max contract now... but he's on a veteran MINIMUM. Anything can happen... and since Melo relies on his NBA salary for his total financial networth, he can't afford to take paycut.

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If the CBA drastically drops salaries you can expect all current salaries to be rolled back as well, just like they were in the NHL. People thinking that signing a 5 year deal now ensures them more money in the long run are fooling themselves, all they are getting is security of the 5 years, the money they are signing for won't be the same if the CBA is rolled back as much as suggested in this thread. You can also expect prime buyout rates to be given if the owners get what they want. In the end I really doubt the cap is affected that much.


Nuggets have absolutely no leverage right now, the CBA is irrelevant and I doubt Melo is even thinking about it.

Actually, Melo admitted it was an issue, and that he was seriously thinking about Denver's extension and wanted to come to a conclusion "before they swiftly pulled it off the table" (or something along those lines).


And all other salaries won't drop, necessarily. The lockout will last forever, if that's the case. The proposed deal was that contracts signed after July 1st would be altered, due to smaller player maximums, changes in exceptions, length in contracts, among other things. No contracts were going to be re-configured. I think Jim Rome (or Around The Horn) was talking about this today, how Melo can say he wants out, but Denver can hold out and put him in a bad situation.

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