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I Almost Died Yesterday


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I would recommend smoking weed as an alternative, go weaker as time passes on it is the least stressful way of doing it imo, screw rehab. Weed has been proven in some cases to help ease addiction to harder drugs.


Just killing your addiction when you are super addicted to drugs is just too much stress, I can imagine how my Mom would feel if she had to stop smoking cigarettes after many, many years.


It isn't your fault either, it is your drug dealer's fault for giving you heroin when he didn't have the natural green. You should find someone that just sells the green.

Lol you're a dumbass Yugo. Don't tell the recovering drug addict to smoke weed. I'm sure he's smoked weed before. That's like telling an obese person whos working out to start eating pizza cuz it's a healthier alternative to burgers and fries. He'll just get the feeling of being high again and possibly relapse.


Good luck bro. I'm friends with a couple people who went to rehab and even tho they're boring now, they're not [expletive]ed up and aren't gunna die at 23.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm back :) I can't really start posting 'till next week cuz I still dont have my computer, but so ya'll know I'm doing well and still in south Florida (Delray).





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I'm back :) I can't really start posting 'till next week cuz I still dont have my computer, but so ya'll know I'm doing well and still in south Florida (Delray).



Glad to hear all is well bro and welcome back! Stay clean!

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Wow, that's some crazy stuff man. It's great to hear that you're still going to the meetings and really trying to stay sober. I really wish my younger cousin would go to rehab as he's into a lot of shit but that's all on him. We've already tried reaching out to him numerous times and he's proven that he can't be trusted at all. Enough about that though, this is about you.


Congrats again and definitely look forward to having you back full time.

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