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Everything posted by GamerGuy

  1. Dude, you don't even know. My thumbs and pinkies are screwed up on both hands, and I'm pretty sure I broke my pinky finger on my left hand. My middle finger on my left hand is tweaked a bit as well. All from basketball...but despite that, they don't look too irregular. Out of all the possible injuries I could get from playing ball, it's always my fingers. Hardly ever twist my ankles, never hurt my knees. Always the damn fingers.
  2. I'll watch more college ball, but I never know what their schedule is. Maybe we can make game day threads for college games with the time and channel like we do for NBA and NFL games. Would be great to have some basketball discussion going on through the lockout.
  3. Triple post ftw. So I looked down to see who else was reading this topic, and I see "Facebook". That freaked me out, so I went to the main page and saw Google, Yahoo, MSN/Bing in the active member list. Then I realized they were just search bots. I was like WHAT.
  4. I got it figured out. Facebook was jealous that you switched up the banner today, so they had to come back with something of their own. It's all your fault Brandon, you Google+ hater.
  5. Yeah, I don't know what they're doing. Maybe they felt like they had to do something since Google+ went to open beta today, but it's like really? I'm sure within a day or so I'll get used to it, but yeah. Blech.
  6. There's a drop down menu by the "Update" button that allows you to view posts and topics separately.
  7. Ahh the memories. Happy Birthday Erin, hope you're doing well wherever you are.
  8. Downloading CS5 is easy, you can even get it from Adobe's own website. The hard part with torrents is that you'll have to follow their instructions to generate a CD key. You could always get it from Adobe's web site, and after your trial is over you can reformat your hard-drive and re-download it. Not exactly the best way to go about it, though.
  9. Another small market team that has had tremendous success in the past few years is OKC. They've built up their talent through drafting, scouting, and smart trades. Granted a lot of their talent was riding out their cheaper contracts, but they've built a winning atmosphere there and that will draw in other free agents.
  10. Just wait until you take a Business and Technical Writing class. Was by far my most hated class in college because of the projects.
  11. Not expecting much from this meeting, sadly. There seems to be a serious lack of urgency from both sides.
  12. That's frightening...they're pretty much at the mercy of the weather on getting that thing contained.
  13. Yeah, and now it's destroyed at least a dozen homes. Scary stuff...
  14. http://www.ksee24.com/news/video/Canyon-Fire-Near-Tehachapi-Grows-to-4700-acres-129273388.html I live about 30 minutes east of Tehachapi, but I know a lot of people that live up there. I had to stop playing basketball outside because the smoke was getting so bad. I took this picture about 10 minutes ago from my backyard. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/293694_10150294717528196_502728195_8362055_2404133_n.jpg Really hoping they can get a handle on this soon.
  15. Ron Paul for sure, but I don't see him getting ahead of Romney. -_-
  16. Since I just graduated, my school gave me a free service to have my resume/cover letter done for free by a professional writer. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Koyote/magic.png Magic in process.
  17. A huge number of them do. All those games that have micro-transactions rely on it, like Farmville, Mafia Wars, ect. What's more, is that a large number of smaller companies are using Facebook pages as their primary web presence. Heck, even the advertisements on pages help business' out with revenue. It's a huge deal for companies...and while most may not rely on it, a lot of them do.
  18. Why an Orlando newspaper would hype up Bynum like that? Are they afraid of losing Howard next year to free agency because of the lock-out? That's the only logical explanation I can think of for this.
  19. A local radio station interviewed his sister, and she was saying that he didn't want to be cooped up inside, and that he wanted to sleep outside under the stars. The family tried to get him to stay home, but he would always wonder off...he didn't want to be a burden for others. He would come home to shower and eat, and he would go over to his grandparents house to do the same thing every now and then. I'm not quite sure the reasons why, but he couldn't be institutionalized for his condition so that's why he was homeless.
  20. This pretty much went by unnoticed until a UK newspaper published the story with a photo of Kelly's face, which was several weeks after it had happened. Those weeks before this story blew up, no action was taken against the officers. No investigation, no suspensions, nothing. The Fullerton police are notorious for being shady, and this is case is no different. The district attorney for this case has sat on it as well, with nothing being done about it as weeks went by. I guess the FBI are involved with it now, so hopefully something will be done. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. I haven't watched the footage, but that photo was enough for me. Just awful.
  21. Moved about two and a half tons of wood today. Not even joking. Get to do it again tomorrow too. Woooo!
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