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Anyone else develop bad sleeping habits over time?


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My sleeping habits suck these days. For the past few days I'll stay up till about 9-10 am then fall asleep till like 3-4 pm sometimes. It's driving me nuts.


Anyone else have habits like this?

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LoL really? I literally made an almost identical post a few hours ago in the Random Thread haha. But yeah, this is like the 8th or 9th night in the last 2 weeks where I either haven't slept at all or didn't get to sleep until well after sunrise. Fortunately I have a prescription called Seroquel that knocks me out within an hour after taking it, but the problem is I lose track of time. If I take it too late I wake up very late and groggy. Need at least 6-7 hours of sleep on that stuff. So many nights it'll be too late for me to take it and I just kind of stay up all night. With the new semester starting up in a week or two I gotta get my sleep back on track (even though none of my classes start 'till like 2pm the earliest).

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When I was little I used to close all the closets and everything because I was scared LOL

right now I dont have habits. I got to sleep when Im tired and wake up when I wake up. In the Summer vacation I go sleep at 2am and wake up at 1pm. so... I guess there is nothing wrong with me

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I have, i'd get home from work at 11 and do what i do till 3 or 4(no one likes to sleep as soon as they get home from work, at least i dont anyways). The for some reason i cant get to bed at all till like 8, 9 in the morning. it sucks. I usually stay up all day to try and get my reg. school sleep pattern back(3AM-9AM, an hour before class), but it never works. Insomnia or some [expletive], smh, glad to see im not the only one lol.

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Sounds like your just off a regular schedule. That's happened to me before, only way I've fixed it was to force myself to stay awake till about 4-5 pm and then sleep all through the night usually waking up at around 3-4 am. And then over time you'll start adjusting more regularly like maybe sleeping until 7-8 am. It works.

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Let's just say its rare that I get to bed before 5 AM, during school and at home. I've had like 2 straight weeks of being up after 5 AM @ school and at least a month at home. My problem is I just don't get tired, even if I went to bed at 10 and woke up at 6 the previous night I can still usually stay up till 2/3 w/o even realizing how late it is.

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I don't stay up past 3 because there is nothing to do. Usually when I am up that late I am just watching stuff on youtube or learning some songs on the guitar...if I am not doing that there isn't really much to do at that time, and I can't get on my xbox because it makes a lot of noise when its on and my parents room is on the other side of my wall.

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When I was in Poland, I would get to bed at midnight and wake up at 6:30 AM everyday. When I got back, I kept doing that for the first week or so. Now I'm starting to revert back to my old habits of staying up past 1 AM and sleeping in until noon. I gotta fix that before fully revert back, haha. Waking up early is SO nice, you have the entire day to do stuff.

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When I was in Poland, I would get to bed at midnight and wake up at 6:30 AM everyday. When I got back, I kept doing that for the first week or so. Now I'm starting to revert back to my old habits of staying up past 1 AM and sleeping in until noon. I gotta fix that before fully revert back, haha. Waking up early is SO nice, you have the entire day to do stuff.

Yea, last week I woke up at 7:30 AM to go a beach thats like 2 hours from my house, but that was a great day. I was at the beach for like 7 hours and when I got back home there was still time to do my usual stuff.

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It's about body clock... every person has it in them. If you usually sleep at 10-11PM, try sleeping at 3AM once, it will disrupt it and the next thing you know, it'll be hard to sleep at 10-11PM. If you do it over and over (sleeping late) it's not only body clock but also habit.


I work night shift and don't get home until 2AM, so I usually sleep like 3-4AM every night :) and wake up like 12 noon lol

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Since summer has started I've been going to sleep around 1:30 a.m everday, dont know why but I just cant go to sleep before. I get up around 10:30 daily also. School is about to start next week so hopefully I get rid of this bad habit.

you'll break it when you're forced to wake up at 6 am :lol: :lol: that's what happened to me. quickly whips your [expletive] into shape ;)

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Get a dog.. seriously. As many of the vets here know, I used to stay up until 6-7am at least every night, school or no school, and either wake up when I had to for school or not wake up until 4-5pm. I absolutely hated it but it was the schedule I got myself into and I couldn't get out of it. I tried to get to bed early but would be wide awake in bed in complete darkness, and after an hour or so I'd give up and turn on the TV/computer.


I got a dog last week and ever since he's been waking me up at 7-8am, I have been getting EXTREMELY tired at about 11:30-12 and getting to bed at 1am LATEST. I usually get to bed a bit before that though. I love waking up that early, as weird as it sounds. I feel like my days have been extended 3-4x because I have an extra 6 or 7 hours of being awake when everyone else is haha. I'm sure when school starts I'll probably be going to bed at 2-3, but that's 100x better than going to bed at 6 when you have school at 9.


I love being awake early.. I take him to the dog park, play fetch, run around, and even after 2 hours there it's only 10am. I take him home so he can sleep, go to the gym, get/make some lunch and when all that is done it's about 1pm, the time I used to set my alarm for haha.

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