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ALCS Discussion: New York Yankees vs. Texas Rangers


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My post on a Yankee message board a couple minutes ago:


Remember the two-game series against Boston at Yankee Stadium earlier this year?


We lost 5-0 leads in both of those games. We rebounded to win the first game, but my point is that we are capable of coming back the same way the Boston offense has made a name for itself.


Keep ya heads up!


Fat Elvis!

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C'mon man, we know who this is directed at. Flash's mother's uncle's niece's friend's sister's mailman's brother's third cousin's florist's nephew knew someone who is a Yankees fan once... it's clear that he had no choice in the fanhood. Plus the Marlins have poor management and aren't as good.


Friggin hater. :lol:

This post might be your best yet, edging out your Wolverhampton post.

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Alright, we the first 7.5 innings of game one how we played all of game two, sloppy. Both of our starting pitchers got knocked around, and we didn't jump on Lewis and Wilson. We were too focused on facing Cliff Lee in game two to realize we were facing two aces who were tough themselves. Game three is huge, if we take down Cliff Lee and Andy pitches great, we have a good shot at taking the series at home. If we lose, we'll have to eventually go back across the country and we might not be able to take at least a game in Texas.

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:o :o :o :o :o






Well best career stats = best pitcher to me, for the most part. It doesn't apply to Lee I never said a negative thing about Lee just that he had similar stats to Haren and Haren feel off. Lee is an excellent pitcher I just don't think he is better than the 6 pitchers I listed.



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I... Am... Shocked...


Thanks Fishey :)



Looks like a lot of people decided to beat the traffic, if I paid for this tickets I wouldn't leave until the game was over, I don't care if it was 27-0 and it was a blizzard.

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Looks like a lot of people decided to beat the traffic, if I paid for this tickets I wouldn't leave until the game was over, I don't care if it was 27-0 and it was a blizzard.




Unfortunately, playoff crowds are typically "corporate" crowds. It is the same [expletive] here in Philadelphia. To me, leaving a sporting event early is the eighth deadly sin.

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Poor Andy gave up a soft homer. He was pretty [expletive]ing great tonight... Have to admire it.


Guys are going to have to scratch and claw tomorrow night with Burnett on the mound. Going to need to score runs.


Would be nice if the lineup would stop being such a collective group of overpaid underperformers.

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I have come to realize that offensive numbers in the postseason don't really indicate anything. All that matters are the W's and L's. More times than not, you are facing elite pitching in October. Good pitching will always shut down good hitting.

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Man I hate to say it but yall (Yanks) might be goin down. I want the Rangers to lose too. They can still throw CJ again and yalls offense looks bad right now, outside of 1 inning in this series Texas completely dominated u guys. They can pitch Lee on 3 days rest or use him in game 7, plus their at home too! I dunno yall cant go into Texas down 2-3, and you got Burnett goin tomorrow?


Pray for rain my friends. :lol:

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Man I hate to say it but yall (Yanks) might be goin down. I want the Rangers to lose too. They can still throw CJ again and yalls offense looks bad right now, outside of 1 inning in this series Texas completely dominated u guys. They can pitch Lee on 3 days rest or use him in game 7, plus their at home too! I dunno yall cant go into Texas down 2-3, and you got Burnett goin tomorrow?


Pray for rain my friends. :lol:

Stop saying 'yall'.

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I'm surprised they didn't review Cano's homerun. A shame the game has no solid replay yet.


The shame is that the replay policy they have in place now is EXACTLY for situations like that. Why even have the rule if you aren't going to use it there.

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