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Second Presidential Debate at 9EST


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Obama is rattling Romney. Now he's back to fabrications and trying to please the crowd. Too much LOL.


Obama isn't asleep this time and has looked better, but Romney continues to slap him back into place.


"He was right...but then he put in deficits twice that size.." :lol: .




Also, this fat cow moderator should not be doing this debate. She's a dumb liberal that bashed Romney publicly, and has given Obama the last word nearly every time.


Nice biased questions she's chosen as well.



Romney is still smacking that chump around.

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Obama getting punk'd right now.


That phaggot isn't used to people stepping up to him.



Weird, pretty much everything Obama has said he's do in his first year.....he didn't do. :lol: .



THAT'S why Romney is talking about 2009.....you know, pretty much Obama's first year......kind of like how if he's elected now, he'll be in his first year of his second term.



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“We’re a faith-based organization; we are apolitical because the majority of our funding is from private donations. It’s strictly in our bylaws not to do it. They showed up there, and they did not have permission. They got one of the volunteers to open up the doors.”


And it only gets worse from there.


It turns out that by the time Congressman Ryan and his family showed up at the soup kitchen, the food had already been served, the recipients of the church’s food line had left the building, and everything had already been cleaned up. There would be little for the Congressman and his family to do but shake the hands of the few volunteers who remained at the kitchen and be on their way.


However, never try and separate a cynical politician from a good photo opportunity.


According to Mr. Antal, who describes himself as an independent voter, “The photo-op they did wasn’t even accurate. He did nothing. He just came in here to get his picture taken at the dining hall.”


You see, undeterred by the fact that there was nothing to do in the quest of a more perfect photo opportunity, the Ryan family donned their white aprons and got busy washing pots and pans—pots and pans that had already been washed- as the TV cameras rolled and the still photographers snapped their photos.



Sounds like their entire gameplan thus far. Lies and deception that the ignorant will gobble up.

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Moderator holding Romney accountable?


Fat cow biased bitch there solely to help Obama.


Holding him accountable?


Brb, giving Romney less time.

Brb, choosing extremely biased questions.

Brb, letting Obama interrupt and not stopping him.



The most interesting part is when she easy saying Romney was wrong about his Libya comments on Obama, but then retracted her comment because he was correct about it. :lol: .

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