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Third Presidential Debate


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Romney's statement that Iran is "four years closer to a nuclear bomb" shows real understanding of the way the space-time continuum works.



“Our Navy is now the oldest it has been since it was founded.” - Mitt Romney. Well, yeah. That’s how aging works.

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Obama's doing a great job so far, though this debate is a little unfair for Romney. Foreign policy is one of those issues that is really hard for a guy who hasn't been in the position to debate, way moreso than domestic policy. Also, Obama has done a lot of the things Americans wanted (getting out of Iraq, getting Osama) when he was a candidate in 2008. Romney isn't doing a bad job and is saying a lot of good stuff, but Obama is winning this one.

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That certainly didn't happen when he skipped them on his apology tour.


Libs are nervous as hell right now. They can't provide any good reasons why this failure deserves another four years.

You believe the apology tour? Proof dumb people are conservative

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What killed Mitt tonight was the fact that he continued to agree with Obama on a LOT of things. My girlfriend's dad was pretty pissed off about that...started calling Romney a Liberal, lol.


The indecision is what will decide this election. Romney is leaning too far from where he truly stands, and it's all an attempt to gain support...but in the process, it's making him look more like a liar. If he really wants this, he has to stay true to what he has been preaching for years, and play along with his party, or else Obama is going to burn him.

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Romney seemed to agree with virtually every stance of Obama on foreign policy.


No need to elect Mitt, I'll stick with the same guy for another four years.



What killed Mitt tonight was the fact that he continued to agree with Obama on a LOT of things. My girlfriend's dad was pretty pissed off about that...started calling Romney a Liberal, lol.


The indecision is what will decide this election. Romney is leaning too far from where he truly stands, and it's all an attempt to gain support...but in the process, it's making him look more like a liar. If he really wants this, he has to stay true to what he has been preaching for years, and play along with his party, or else Obama is going to burn him.





That was the point. That is why Romney did fine tonight. He didn't need to separate himself from Obama on foreign policy. All he had to say was, "Yes, I agree with Obama on everything with foreign policy, so no need to worry there, but I'm different because I'll create jobs".


He's going to agree with him on foreign policy, but disagree with him on the most important issue in the election which is the economy and jobs.


Liberals want to think that hurt Romney tonight, but it without a doubt helped him.

Edited by EastCoastNiner
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He didn't need to separate himself from Obama on foreign policy.

But he has before, and that's the problem.


You know what's even more shocking? In the second debate, Romney told all of us that we would hope to be out by 2014, but would re-analyze the situation when that time comes. He also clearly stated that Obama should not be setting the exact year, and these were statements he also stated in January, I believe February, in June or July, and again, in that second debate.


This time, tonight, he stated 2014, and he made it clear it was 2014. He sounded like he read Obama's statement from the second debate, and right when he did, my girl's dad shook his head in disappointment.


People that are hunting down his previous comments (and there are a lot of us that are doing it, while a ton of his supporters simply remember what he said) will compare, of course...and he's not the same guy.


Two weeks, dude. You're telling me that Romney made a good decision contradicting things he has said over the last 6-10 months? Come on, man...from all of the things you've posted here about Romney, I think that actually pissed you off a bit. You seem like the guy that wants to throw consistency on the table, praise Romney's consistency (if there's anything you can find at this point) and blast Obama for not sticking true to his word about lowering the national debt (for example).


Obama doesn't stutter due to uncertainty. He has that slight stutter when he gives speeches the same way I do when I pause, and I do it because I make sure (100% sure) that my words are accurate and understandable for all that listen. He does it with almost every statement he makes, even those you would deem consistent (ex. Obamacare ideas).


Romney doesn't stutter, but I get a feeling he sometimes wishes he could go back and re-word things that he says. I mean, calling GB a country, talking about Syria being Iran's only route to the seas (maybe he doesn't know where Iran is?), saying the Navy was the oldest it's been since 1947...he was pushing to fit in comments just so he could start discussing the economy again, to change the topic if it related to foreign policy, and those are the things that hurt him.


If you really want to know what Mitt Romney stands for, what he believes in, you have to go back and watch everything he has said for months, picking and choosing what he supports the most...and that's not a good thing.


The only real thing I know about Mitt Romney is that he wants to get rid of Obamacare, and he claims to "know what it takes" (his famous line he continues to say, without much explanation) to create $12 million jobs. That's it.

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