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Why do people choose to be atheist?


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Science doesn't explain everything, and it never will. Scientists believe in life on other planets, although they've never seen it. Science has yet to prove (and never will) how, suddenly, there was a universe. Asking, "How did God just create himself," it's like asking how the universe just appeared. Science tells us that something is created from something else, but how do you create something from absolutely nothing? Science has no answer.


So, when you have no answer, it must not be true? In that case, the universe doesn't exist.


I can play by the same rules an atheist plays by, and it should make perfect sense to them.


It's funny to me that all of the mocking comes from those who don't believe. Many don't respect anything outside of their belief. Ironically, all of the questions come from them as well. If a Christian asks an atheist what happens to us when we die, an atheist will say that we just rot in the ground. If a Christian asks how the universe was created, an atheist will say that it just happened. Believe in ghosts? Nope, don't exist. Believe in miracles? Nope, don't exist. Believe in souls? Nope. What is your purpose in life? To just live.


Life is so complex for such simple answers.


As I've said before, if God does prove to exist someday, guess who's screwed? If he doesn't, I guess we're all just screwed. At least I have a chance.


but what about those who do respect anything outside of their belief?

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Science doesn't explain everything, and it never will. Scientists believe in life on other planets, although they've never seen it. Science has yet to prove (and never will) how, suddenly, there was a universe. Asking, "How did God just create himself," it's like asking how the universe just appeared. Science tells us that something is created from something else, but how do you create something from absolutely nothing? Science has no answer.


So, when you have no answer, it must not be true? In that case, the universe doesn't exist.


I can play by the same rules an atheist plays by, and it should make perfect sense to them.


It's funny to me that all of the mocking comes from those who don't believe. Many don't respect anything outside of their belief. Ironically, all of the questions come from them as well. If a Christian asks an atheist what happens to us when we die, an atheist will say that we just rot in the ground. If a Christian asks how the universe was created, an atheist will say that it just happened. Believe in ghosts? Nope, don't exist. Believe in miracles? Nope, don't exist. Believe in souls? Nope. What is your purpose in life? To just live.


Life is so complex for such simple answers.


As I've said before, if God does prove to exist someday, guess who's screwed? If he doesn't, I guess we're all just screwed. At least I have a chance.


Science doesnt explain everything because some things will never be explained, we will never know.


But I do know that Human beings have always said that some kind of god did it when they didnt know things. The ancient greeks used to beileve that Earthquakes happened because Poseidon was angry but we know the shifting of the tectonic plates does it and thunderstorms happened because Zeus was angry. Thats why there were so many gods. Its not different today, people think now just because we dont have answers as to why the Earth was created, why we are here, whats the point of life, why is life like this, etc. that we should turn to this "God", this is why Faith = not wanting to know what is true.


Also the whole Hell thing.


Nobody is going to hell, whether you dont believe in god, or have commited any so-called sins. the concept of Hell was stolen by Christians from the Babylonians, the Persians and Babylonians have believed in hell for a long time before Christianity. Hell or Heaven arent real. We will never know what happens until after we die until it does really happen, but i know for sure that we arent going to a heaven or hell. Christians are smart, they have used this to brainwash billion + people into believing their religion


I will never believe in god, ive done enough research about cults, religions, history, science and sociology to know that a god is impossible and as Ive said before, the only way a "God" is real is the way Deists explain it, created the universe, left it the way it is, there is no all-creator who watches everything you do and sends you to hell if ur bad or heaven if ur good, and this so-called God is invisible, how would we know he is there.



Religion = Lies.

Edited by YugoRocketsFan
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but what about those who do respect anything outside of their belief?

That's fine. I respect anything anyone believes. I just don't respect those who want to mock something else. Someone can sit and say, "Oh, wow, you believe in a god? A fairy tale like that? LOL." Then I can come right back and say, "WTF, you really think a scientist can tell the age of the Earth from a ROCK? How do they know how old rocks are? They can tell how old I am, exactly, by my skin?"


I can do the same thing and disrespect others in that manner, but I don't. People can believe whatever they like. I don't force religion on anyone, and even though Christians are supposed to spread the word, I don't even do that. I just let people think for themselves.


But when someone starts calling me unintelligent and ignorant for believing in God, that crosses the line. They should believe that I'd stick my foot in their ass if they called me that to my face.

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The biggest problem I have with the Bible is people use it as a legitimate source, when most stories had been used for other religions before it was ever written. Also, another problem with the Bible, is that it took 300 years for them to decide on which stories were good enough to make the book and finalize it. What if it took 300 years for Lord of the Rings to be finalized?

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I'm in a weird spot. I'll let anyone say there is a god and let anyone say there isn't a god. Honestly, I don't care. I have massively religious friends (from many religions) and massive atheists. I did not grow up in a religious household. Religions were never anything I thought about until i got older. However, I'm in the boat of "Don't preach your [expletive] to me; i don't care. How you believe is how you believe. God could exist, he could not. Essentially, I don't care to debate", and to see people debate it is lol worthy.

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Science doesn't explain everything, and it never will. Scientists believe in life on other planets, although they've never seen it.

You're not honestly saying we're the only form of life out there are you? There may not be any others in our solar system, but somewhere there is. And no, they're probably not green, crazy looking creatures that fly around in UFOs either.

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That's fine. I respect anything anyone believes. I just don't respect those who want to mock something else. Someone can sit and say, "Oh, wow, you believe in a god? A fairy tale like that? LOL." Then I can come right back and say, "WTF, you really think a scientist can tell the age of the Earth from a ROCK? How do they know how old rocks are? They can tell how old I am, exactly, by my skin?"


I can do the same thing and disrespect others in that manner, but I don't. People can believe whatever they like. I don't force religion on anyone, and even though Christians are supposed to spread the word, I don't even do that. I just let people think for themselves.


But when someone starts calling me unintelligent and ignorant for believing in God, that crosses the line. They should believe that I'd stick my foot in their [expletive] if they called me that to my face.


lol oh yeah for sure... me too

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You're not honestly saying we're the only form of life out there are you? There may not be any others in our solar system, but somewhere there is. And no, they're probably not green, crazy looking creatures that fly around in UFOs either.

No, I think there are other forms of life...but that's just it: I think. You think. Others think.




Enough said.

Humans are the only things preaching science, I believe. If we all wanted to be technical, calculations were developed by humans...and technically, how do we know that rocks prove the Earth is as old as we think?


In the end, we're all just thinking. This way, I'm talking like an atheist...right?

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thats hilarious enough to me.

You know what I find hilarious? The fact that you blast Christians for sharing their beliefs, and yet, you yourself preach yours.


You are constantly bringing up your own beliefs, even in threads where it doesn't belong. OK, we get it...you don't believe in God, gods, or religion. Fine, whatever.


What's not fine however, is your hypocritical double-standard. Aren't atheists supposed to be stoic, non preachy people? If you don't like people sharing their beliefs, THEN DON'T SHARE YOURS. Whenever someone mentions religion, or God, or anything religious for that matter, you always have to show up and spew your rhetoric.


It's one thing to talk and debate about things where its warranted, but when you constantly bring it up outside those topics, it becomes annoying really fast.

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I hate when people say "If only you just opened a Bible..." I have been taking mandatory Religion courses at school for the last three years. If anything it has made me believe less in religion because I see all the unbelievable bull[expletive] written in it.


If Harry Potter was written a million years ago by a few old guys on PCP you guys would think it's true?

Edited by Poohdini
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Well if God didn't do anything during the Holocaust or Great Depression, why would he do anything in a situation like a small recession compared to those?


Exactly. Some Holocaust survivors didn't believe in God after it happened. I'm not leaning any way, just adding that I agree with what you said.

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In the video above he says he's Catholic. So many religions with so many different principles are out there, and all of them think they are right. So how can you justify one over the other? Therefore, it's hard to know if you're following the right path.

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You know what I find hilarious? The fact that you blast Christians for sharing their beliefs, and yet, you yourself preach yours.


You are constantly bringing up your own beliefs, even in threads where it doesn't belong. OK, we get it...you don't believe in God, gods, or religion. Fine, whatever.


What's not fine however, is your hypocritical double-standard. Aren't atheists supposed to be stoic, non preachy people? If you don't like people sharing their beliefs, THEN DON'T SHARE YOURS. Whenever someone mentions religion, or God, or anything religious for that matter, you always have to show up and spew your rhetoric.


It's one thing to talk and debate about things where its warranted, but when you constantly bring it up outside those topics, it becomes annoying really fast.


Well I act different on a forum than I do in person. I dont preach anything to people because I know people dont wanna hear it, if im insulting your religion, sorry.

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Well, if anything atheists are the ones experiencing the double standard.


Someone tells me I'm going to straight to hell, they get no heat for that. I respond with there is no hell or god, and I'm getting slammed for it.


As for this topic, as much as I really don't like Angelina Jolie, I sort of have her point of view. For those who believe in god, I really hope there is one for them. But for me, I don't need one to keep me going in life.


Now for some reasons that I'm an atheist. First of all, the story of the bible is practically identical to another story the Egyptians told 5000 years before. That's not a coincidence. Second, I don't see how god created man then took out one of his ribs to create a woman. Seriously? Tell those stories today with someone that has grown up with no religious background and they'll laugh straight in your face. And another reason, the whole "you're going to hell if you don't believe" is very suspicious to me. To me, it was just a way to get more people to follow it, thinking they've got nothing to lose. You're telling me a Christian murderer who truly feels sorry for what he's done goes straight to heaven, while the likes of Gandhi are going straight to hell. Yea, that makes sense.

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You're combining civilized Christians, who don't shove religion down your throat and criticize you for not believing, with those that are adamant about turning you into a Christian, and telling you you're one of Satan's children. I don't like Christians that do that, and I don't like atheists that put me in that category.


I believe in God. I don't believe it's fair that someone can call me ignorant and call the Bible a huge fairy tale without me slapping them right back, because that's what it is: a slap in my face.


Combine logic and science for a minute. If something is left unexplained, science tells you it's impossible. Statistics tell you this, correct? So...if there's no answer for how the universe was created...then it's impossible that it was created? If it's still possible (which it is, or else we don't exist), then, technically, impossible doesn't exist once it's proven to be untrue, says logic and reasoning.


So if you have an open mind, God isn't impossible. Neither is evolution. Same goes for anything. Science was created by man. The Bible was created by man. Statistics were created by man. Nothing is certain, and nothing is impossible, using an atheist's logic, OR a Christian's.

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You're combining civilized Christians, who don't shove religion down your throat and criticize you for not believing, with those that are adamant about turning you into a Christian, and telling you you're one of Satan's children. I don't like Christians that do that, and I don't like atheists that put me in that category.


I believe in God. I don't believe it's fair that someone can call me ignorant and call the Bible a huge fairy tale without me slapping them right back, because that's what it is: a slap in my face.


Combine logic and science for a minute. If something is left unexplained, science tells you it's impossible. Statistics tell you this, correct? So...if there's no answer for how the universe was created...then it's impossible that it was created? If it's still possible (which it is, or else we don't exist), then, technically, impossible doesn't exist once it's proven to be untrue, says logic and reasoning.


So if you have an open mind, God isn't impossible. Neither is evolution. Same goes for anything. Science was created by man. The Bible was created by man. Statistics were created by man. Nothing is certain, and nothing is impossible, using an atheist's logic, OR a Christian's.


God isnt impossible, but improbable.

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You're combining civilized Christians, who don't shove religion down your throat and criticize you for not believing, with those that are adamant about turning you into a Christian, and telling you you're one of Satan's children. I don't like Christians that do that, and I don't like atheists that put me in that category.


I believe in God. I don't believe it's fair that someone can call me ignorant and call the Bible a huge fairy tale without me slapping them right back, because that's what it is: a slap in my face.


I agree, I'm not a "pushy" Christian at all. If somebody asks me what I believe I do tell them. And I'll try and spread the word a little, but I don't make fun of them, or tell them that they're going to hell. I'm just not like that. And like you're saying, when I'm made fun of for it, it's a slap in my face. I don't appreciate it at all.

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Well, if anything atheists are the ones experiencing the double standard.


Someone tells me I'm going to straight to hell, they get no heat for that. I respond with there is no hell or god, and I'm getting slammed for it.


As for this topic, as much as I really don't like Angelina Jolie, I sort of have her point of view. For those who believe in god, I really hope there is one for them. But for me, I don't need one to keep me going in life.


Now for some reasons that I'm an atheist. First of all, the story of the bible is practically identical to another story the Egyptians told 5000 years before. That's not a coincidence. Second, I don't see how god created man then took out one of his ribs to create a woman. Seriously? Tell those stories today with someone that has grown up with no religious background and they'll laugh straight in your face. And another reason, the whole "you're going to hell if you don't believe" is very suspicious to me. To me, it was just a way to get more people to follow it, thinking they've got nothing to lose. You're telling me a Christian murderer who truly feels sorry for what he's done goes straight to heaven, while the likes of Gandhi are going straight to hell. Yea, that makes sense.


Yeah exactly, Christianity has basically borrowed a lot of religious ideas, like the virgin birth of Jesus many past Gods have had "virgin births", the heaven and hell thing, which the Babylonians and Persians believed hundreds of years before Christianity, the Devil which was stolen from a different polytheistic religion, etc. Christianity basically took all these ideas and formed it in one kind of idea.

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