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Everything posted by Mentch

  1. I think the Giants will win this game. This game is similar to the one in 07, the Giants lost to the Patriots 38-35 but proved they could stay with them every step of the way, and then beat them in the Super Bowl 17-14. The Giants lost to the Packers 38-35, but many people think that game was fixed, as a Jake Ballard touchdown was incorrectly ruled incomplete, and Greg Jennings caught a controversial touchdown, as he did not appear to have possession of the ball before it was knocked out of his hands So I have the Giants winning this game, 17-14
  2. Wow... I didnt know it had been that long since the Ravens won a playoff game at home. Hasnt happened since 2000, kinda crazy if you think about it
  3. During the Broncos' 6 game winning streak, they didnt play one competent offense (except for the Raiders, and McGahee was the reason they won that game). Lets look at it in closer detail: Week 9 @ Oakland: The Raiders offense is good, and they managed to put up 24 points, but Willis McGahee had a huge day and that was the reason they won Week 10 @ Kansas City: Only the 2nd time in NFL history that a quarterback has completed only 2 passes and won the game. The Chiefs offense was extremely inept due to the fact that Matt Cassel was injured right as the Chiefs started to sustain some offensive momentum, and the Broncos won due to their defense, 17-10 Week 11 vs NY Jets: Tebow was able to lead them down the field for a late touchdown to win the game, but the ineptitude of the Jets' offense with Mark Sanchez running the show cannot be ignored. The Jets failed to score an offensive touchdown the entire game and only put up 6 points on offense, so once again Tebow's defense bailed him out Week 12 @ San Diego: The defense held the Chargers to only 13 points the entire game, including overtime, and if Nick Novak hadnt missed a field goal in overtime to win the game, the Broncos would not have even gotten the 2nd chance that they got to win the game Week 13 @ Minnesota: This is the one game that I will give Tebow credit for leading his team to points; however, they were going against one of the worst pass defenses in the league against the Vikings. It should have been no surprise that the Broncos were able to keep up, but once again, Tebow's defense bailed him out with a late interception in Vikings territory that set them up for a field goal Week 14 vs Chicago: Dont even get me started on this game. Tebow was able to lead them to a late touchdown that cut the deficit to 10-7, but if it wasnt for Marion Barber accidentally going out of bounds with under 2 minutes left (Broncos had no timeouts at the time as well), they would have never even sniffed a comeback. The Bears almost put it away in overtime, but once again, the defense bailed him out (kinda the theme here if you ask me), forcing a Barber fumble on a critical 3rd and 7 with the Bears close to field goal range This just happened to be a lucky streak for the Broncos, Tebow is able to win close games but if these teams had put the game away early when it mattered, he never would have had the chance to be good. He is clutch, theres no denying that, but its a matter of getting into those situations first, and if a team can manage to stop their college-style offense, then they should be comfortably ahead in the 4th quarter and easily prevent a comeback. These teams failed to do so, and Tebow took advantage of it. However, a streak like this will not happen again, especially with more teams adapting and preparing for Tebow's style of play
  4. I've only made one so far, and like I said earlier, the delivery could be better, but the lyrics part was sick. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWr6vGb-T78
  5. Sign-up thread is here: http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/27345-rap-tournament-sign-ups/
  6. This is the official sign up thread for the new rap tournament. We need at least a minimum of 8 people to make it work, so theres 7 spots left as of now. If there needs to be more spots, I'll allow for more, but its going to start as soon as sign-ups are completed Just post in this topic if you'd be interested in joining
  7. I'd be down if we did that. I've been wanting to be in a rap tournament for a while, another site I was on started one a while back and I missed registration so I wasnt able to be in it. We should definitely do something like that
  8. No joke man, I've actually made Youtube videos with me rapping before, the delivery was kinda crappy but the lyrics were sick
  9. Kevin Martin came up BIG when it mattered the most
  10. I've been getting into rap battles lately, trying to see if anyone on this site is a good match and who can spit on here. Anyone good at rapping and down to go against me? I've been told that my rap style is like a mix of Lupe Fiasco and Eminem so yall should have a good idea of what my tendencies are in a battle
  11. I played trombone in the 6th grade because as part of going into middle school, we were each required to choose between band, choir, or orchestra for our fine arts class. It was alright I guess
  12. Bynum is among the league's best at playing pitch 'n catch with the backboard
  13. Finally a real NFL offense to compete with the Broncos and prove to everyone that Tim Tebow wasnt the reason for their success!
  14. WOW what a crazy shot by Darius Morris to end the quarter! Cant hit the 15 foot jump shot, but he nails the 60 footer buzzer beater just fine
  15. This game was insane. I thought for sure the game was done after Brees hit Graham for the long touchdown. But after Smith hit Davis for that pass that led them into field goal range, I was like "Ok looks like we're going to overtime now". I thought OT was a sure thing because of Akers' ability to hit nearly every field goal that he attempts, and I thought the 49ers were going to play it conservative. Well they proved me wrong, this is definitely a turning point in Alex Smith's career
  16. Not only is D-Will returning to Utah, but Devin Harris is facing his former team as well. This could have been interesting but Utah pulled away and theyre up by 18 now so its pretty much over
  17. I'm sorry, I dont think I'm reading this right. Do the Kings really have only 51 points with 8:30 left in the 4th quarter?!
  18. I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw it, I was shocked that he got any votes as all. But you know how the fan voting goes, what can you do?
  19. I dont see him coming back. He wasnt that great with Boston, and he'll only be occasionally effective if he goes to a championship team I agree with the person who said his time has passed, hes 37 and hasnt played in almost 2 years
  20. Before the start of the 1997-98 NBA Season, the Pistons dealt Otis Thorpe, the last remaining member of the Kansas City Kings, to the Vancouver Grizzlies, in exchange for a 2003 1st round draft pick. The Grizzlies were an expansion team at the time and expected to be much better in a few years; little did they know that the Pistons, a team that was coming off an appearance in the Eastern Conference Finals, would land the 2nd overall pick in the draft, which they used to select Darko Milicic Because he was on such a deep team, Milicic rarely saw any playing time with the Pistons, often appearing in garbage time. Throughout his entire tenure with Detroit, he averaged 5.6 minutes a game. Players cant get any better if they dont get on the court, and that is probably why he never improved much during this time Before the draft, it was possible that the Raptors were looking to draft Milicic, since they were in need of a forward; however, after Milicic was selected, they went ahead and selected Chris Bosh, who turned into a perennial All-Star and became the face of the franchise. I think the same thing would have happened if Darko was taken by the Raptors. I dont think he would have been as good as Bosh, but he would have turned into a solid player and seen the floor immediately during his 1st year in the league. That would have given him time to develop, and he would have been able to build off of that. It might be too late for him now
  21. Back on the site for a while, forgot how much I like basketball until now

  22. I miss the Sonics. They were the only NBA franchise that I truly liked everything about it, including the uniforms, players, history, and fanbase. When they left for OKC, I was pissed about it for a while, I couldnt understand how a fanbase that was so loyal and a franchise that had a lot of success was about to relocate to an unproven market With franchises relocating more than ever nowadays, it seems possible that Seattle might get another NBA team in the near future. It probably wont happen with the Kings if they move, but theres a chance that one of the smaller markets could look to relocate in the next few years. It could end up being Milwaukee or Utah or some other team, but in the end I think Seattle will get another NBA franchise sometime within the next 10 years
  23. Cousins is extremely effective when hes on the court, he almost had a 20-20 game the other night. Problem is, he leads the league with 4.8 fouls per game. Its expected to have more fouls when you play inside but not 5 per game! He just needs to cut down on the fouls and he'll be fine
  24. I think it's funny how Finley is somehow considered by everyone to be a top 5 TE, even though the guy hasn't even played 16 games in his career
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